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Children’s Sermon Acts 2:1-21 Pentecost Year C May 19, 2013

Scripture Acts 2:1-21

Preparation: optional–streamers or ribbons or pom poms in red/orange/yellow colors like fire.

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children–If you have streamers or pom poms, hand them out. Hey kids! Look around, what colors do you see? What colors are you holding in your hands now? Does anyone know why I would pick those colors?

FaithCross_BibleALTToday is Pentecost! It’s a day in the church that we do a little celebrating and remembering of the first Pentecost. Anyone know what happened on the first Pentecost? (take answers or move on if no one answers) When he went to heave, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with us. Peter and the disciples had no idea what this would look like, they just knew that Jesus was gone and they were not sure what to look for in a coming Holy Spirit–they felt sad and maybe scared so they stayed all together and they did a lot of praying. Well, Pentecost was a festival day and so they were doing their festival prayers and not sure what to think about Jesus not being there with them and then–the Holy Spirit came! It came as a big wind and flames were dancing above their heads but not hurting them and people spoke different languages but could also understand one another.  Has that happened to you before? No? Yeah… it’s an amazing story that is why we want to remember it each year–but did you know that the Holy Spirit did not just come once and go away? Do you know where the Holy Spirit went?  Yes–it went EVERYWHERE! And it’s still moving and talking to people and the Holy Spirit is here with us and in us.

FaithCross_ConversationALTI think that’s pretty exciting so I thought we could use our ribbons and say a cheer for the Holy Spirit–do you know any cheers? One we used to do a lot when I was in High School and we were cheering for our team at a sport event goes like this–We’ve got Spirit yes we do, we’ve got spirit, how about you? and then the other people in the stand on the other side would yell the same thing back. I am thinking we can change it just a little and say We’ve got Holy Spirit, yes we do, we’ve got Holy Spirit how about you? –Let’s try it.  Try out the cheer. Great job! (or do it again if it wasn’t great!) Ok, so now we are going to try it again, but this time we are going to stand up and look at all those people and see if we can get them to say the cheer back to us. You can wave your ribbons in the air while you are doing this.

Have kids do the cheer and have the assembly cheer back to them!

FaithCross_PrayALTHoly Spirit–we praise you for being here with us and in us. Help us to remember we always have your spirit and that we can share this spirit with others through our cheers, shouts, prayers and actions. Amen

FaithCross_BlessALTGod the Holy Spirit is in your head, in your heart, on your left and on your right. Amen

May 12, 2013 John 17:20-26 Easter 7C

FaithCross_ConnectALTPrep: carnations for each woman in your congregation–or you could do a paper heart or leave out this part.

Gather the children. Welcome them to worship


FaithCross_BibleALTRead them verse 26, “I made your name known to them, and I will make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” Jesus says these words to his disciples–do you know who disciples are? (take answers)

FaithCross_ConversationALTJesus is talking to the first disciples who were with him but Jesus is also talking to all of us! Disciples are those who follow Jesus and here Jesus wants us to know that we are all a part of God’s children and that we are all made one in God’s love. This verse also got me to thinking about how it’s mother’s day and that God gives us mothers of all kinds. Sometimes they are the mothers who are the ones who gave birth to us or take care of us everyday or maybe sometimes they are our grandmothers too, but because Jesus says we are all one, we have other mothers too. Jesus is praying in this verse that we may know the love of God that he has shown us and that we can show it to others. So really, that means that all of us need to work together to show God’s love to eachother and to the world. When you are baptized all the people promise to help you raise you in God’s love and promises–so all the women and all the men who are here today and who are in our lives showing us about faith are like our Christian parents. Today we are going to share a special blessing for all the women because it’s mother’s days and we want to say thank you to all women–old and young, those who have children here today and those who do not–because they are a part of the oneness in God’s love that Jesus prays for and God promises.

So after we pray, we will say a blessing together to all the women here and then you can each take a few carnations and hand them out to all the women.

FaithCross_PrayALTGod-thank you for making us one, for giving us Christian adults in our lives to help us know your love and grace. We pray especially for all the gifts the women of our community bring to us your children. Grant them love, peace, and joy in you. Amen

FaithCross_BlessALTMay you know God’s love today and always. (have children repeat this and then hand out carnations if you have them)


Children’s Sermon March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday John 12:12-16

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Palms for the kids and/or whole congregation and a hymn or song with Hosanna

Scripture: John 12:12-16



FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children–you may want to do this at the beginning instead of at the tradition time but either way will work. Give each child a palm branch and show them how to wave it in the air.

FaithCross_BibleALT“Today is Palm Sunday! Does anyone know what you are holding? Yes, a palm branch. We have palm branches today because in our scriptures today we are told about when Jesus came into Jerusalem. Does anyone know what he was riding on? Yes, a donkey. And the people who knew who he was were excited to see him and welcomed him into Jerusalem by waving palms, putting their coats on the ground as a sign of honor and by saying the word Hosanna! Do you know what this word means? It is a way of showing honor and calling Jesus God–saying Save us Jehovah or save us God. The people where saying they believed Jesus was the son of David and the son of God. So we can shout today also Hosanna! Every time you hear that word I want you to shout i back and wave your palms.” Lead the children on a parade through the church. If your choir has a song they are singing with Hosanna do this then or have the congregation sing a hymn with Hosanna and lead the children around the sanctuary waving palm branches. End at the altar and invite the children to lay their palms at the altar.

FaithCross_PrayALTGod, we thank you for sending Jesus to save us, to love us, to show us how to live in your world. Amen


FaithCross_BlessALTMay you know the love of God. Hosanna!

Children’s Sermon March 17, 2013 John 12:1-8 Lent 5C

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: paper bags with different things that smell strong enough that kids can guess what they are in them–one bag per smell. For example: cinnamon sticks, garlic, hot chocolate, flower, other spices or herbs. One bag that has perfume or smelly lotion that you can also use.

Scripture: John 12:1-8

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children with you. “Do you have a favorite smell? Take answers. I brought some things for you to try to guess what they are by the smell.” Open the bags and one by one (so only do 2-3 bags) pass them around and have kids close eyes and smell.

FaithCross_BibleALT“Our sense of smell is very powerful, did you know that? Sometimes we can remember whole events or people just by what we smell. (share an important smell for you). In todays’s story from John we are told about how Mary poured nard or a perfume on Jesus and that the smell filled the house. She did this because it was a way that people prepared for a body for being buried and she was saying that she understood that Jesus was going to go to Jerusalem and one day die to show her and the whole world how much God loves. So this smell filled the house and was likely a smell that after Jesus did leave and die and rise again reminded Mary and the people who there not only about Jesus but about God’s love and forgiveness. Just like when I smell _____ I remember and think of _________. (fill in your own smell story or say cookie and grandma if you can’t think of anything!). I am going to give you each a little spray/squirt of perfume/lotion and I want you to smell it while you pray and then throughout the day when you smell this on your skin you can remember that you are loved by Jesus.” Spray the perfume or give a little lotion to each kid.

FaithCross_PrayALTLet’s pray, Jesus, we have many ways we can remember you. Help us to know that you are with us in all of our days and that even our sense of smell can show us how to be a part of your kingdom and love.  Amen

FaithCross_BlessALTGo with this blessing: May you know the sweet smell of love today!


Children’s Sermon March 10, 2013 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Lent 4C

ffjChildrenSermonNote: The Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent resource for this story. The author does a beautiful job of emphasizing how God’s love never fails. Consider reading this version as the Gospel that everyone hears (audible gasp! I know, but could be awesome!!)

Scripture: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children and welcome them. Start by asking how many of them have a brother or a sister. If you have kids that do not ask if they have a good friend. Do you ever feel like they get something that you don’t? Or have you ever said, “that is not fair!”? Hear there comments–but be prepared they may have more stories on this topic than normal!

FaithCross_BibleALT “There is a story that Jesus told about a family.” Read the story of the prodigal son from a children’s bible or paraphrase the story in your own words. Highlight that Father loved both the children no matter what and that forgiveness happened before the younger son could even say he was sorry. Then ask, “Are you surprised by how the father greeted the son who returned? Have you ever forgiven someone or been forgiven? How does that feel?… In Lent we often talk about focusing on the cross. One thing the cross reminds us of is that Jesus died on the cross because we are loved and forgiven no matter what–even if we are mean to someone, even if we are jealous, even when it does not seem fair.”

“Now take your hands and whisper something into them that you would like to tell God–either an I’m sorry for something or thanking God for something.” Show them by cupping your hands and whispering. Say, “Hold this in your hand while we pray and then we will release them up to God on the Amen.”

FaithCross_PrayALT Jesus, we are sorry for the things we have done that have hurt other people. We thank you for your love and forgiveness. Help us to remember your love is for us and for others. We release our prayers to you (open hands and lift them up to the sky). Amen

FaithCross_BlessALT Go with this blessing: You are loved and forgiven always.

Children’s Sermon Baptism of Jesus Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Baptismal font down front or where you can gather children.

Faith+Gather: Gather the children around the baptismal font. Ask them if they know what this is? What happens here?

Faith+Connect: Yes, baptisms happen here. In our gospel today we hear that Jesus was baptized and we know that he said to go and baptize others. So baptism is what we call a sacrament. Does anyone know what it means? Take some answers. Explain that baptism is about God’s gift of love and grace being give to us totally free. Ask what water does, what is for? Take answers. Yes, water can also be for cleaning and washing so we use water to help show us that God washes all the sin away and promises to love us no matter what we do in our lives. It’s a way that we remember that we belong to God. When we baptize someone we say ‘You are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever’ and we mark the sign of the cross on their forehead either with water or with oil. And this is one way we can remember our baptisms too–anytime and anywhere! Let’s do that now. Put your finger in the font and make the sign of the cross on your forehead while I say the words “You are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever” Now we are going to pray but then we are going to dip our fingers one more time and you can go back to your pew family and make the sign of the cross on them!

Faith+Prayer: Thank you Jesus for your love with us every day. Thank you for water and words that help us remember we belong to you. Amen.

Faith+Blessing: Today you are taking the blessing back to the people around you. Dip your finger in the water and head on back and say to them, “Jesus loves you always”

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Children’s Sermon Epiphany Matthew 2:1-12

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Stars cut out of paper and markers. Optional: tape or cut the stars out and add a piece of double sided tape or other way that they can ‘stick’ on to someone.

Faith+Gather: Gather the children with you and ask them if they know the part of the story about the wisemen. See how much they can tell. Use a picture or prop from your creche if you have one. Say, “The wisemen followed a star, which give light. Today we begin the season of epiphany and in this season of the church year we read scripture stories and think about how God’s being in the world brings us light.”

Faith+Connect: Say, “I know that God sends us star-like people in our lives to help show us the ways of Jesus. These people care about us, tell us about how they see Jesus in their lives, they help us know how to love one another and other people, things like that. Can you think of people who are stars for you?” Share a person who is a star for you and why. Take answers from the kids. Also ask, “How do show you about Jesus?”

Give each child the star piece of paper and a marker. Ask them to write down a name or a letter or a picture to say who is a star for them. Then tell them that if the person is here they can stick this star to them. If they person is not here they can mail it or give it to them when they see them. If the person has died they can put this star in their room or you could create a board or space somewhere in the worship space or church where all the stars can be placed. You can do this during this time or send them back to their seats for this part, or if you have an interactive time in worship such as an open space time you could have this as a station and let them know when they can do this activity.

Say, “Stars in our lives help us to remember about Jesus and help us to be stars for other people. We always have the light of Christ with us in so many ways. These stars can help you remember one way and one person today and this week.”

Faith+Prayer: Jesus, you were born to show us the way of love. We thank you for the lights of the stars in the sky and for the light of the people who are stars for us. Amen

Faith+Blessing: Make the sign of the cross and teach the children: God in my head, God in my heart, God on my left, God on my right.

May be used for non profit. Intellectual property rights apply.

Children’s Sermon Christmas 1C Luke 2:41-52

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Find three people to help you tell the gospel story: a man, a woman and a boy. Go to this link at Worshipping with Children for the reading: Jesus as boy in Temple

Faith+Gather: Invite the children forward. Ask, “What does the Christmas story tell us about Jesus?” Accept answers, “Right, that he was born as a baby, just like you and me! Today we here another story about Jesus growing up, this one he is older, maybe about 12. Are any of you 12? Well I have some people here to tell us the story. A father like Joseph, a mother like Mary, and Jesus as a boy.”

Faith+Share: Have the three people you found tell the story using the provided script or your own. Then ask, “How do you think it felt for Mary and Joseph when they couldn’t find Jesus? How do you think Jesus felt when he was found?” We don’t have many stories of Jesus growing up, in fact this is about it but what’s important here is that we remember that Jesus was born and he grew up like you and I do, he had experiences with his family and friends and community that were about being lost and found and happy and sad and all those human things. And it says here that Mary kept these things in her heart. What do you think that means? I think your moms and dads and people who love you keep things about you in their hearts, like remembering what you were like or when you teach them something about love or God just like Jesus as a boy taught his parents about the importance of being close to God. And I also know that God keeps you close to God’s heart because just like Jesus grew up like we do, Jesus is also God and able to know us and love us fully. This is why we keep stories of Jesus in our hearts and why we come to worship, so that we can remember all the time that we are loved and kept close to God’s heart.

Faith+Prayer: Jesus, we are glad for your birth, we are glad for you being a child, we are glad that you know us and keep us in your heart in love. Amen.

Faith+Blessing: God in our head, God in our heart, God on our left, God on our right. (say these words while making the sign of the cross and have the kids do this with you)

Christmas Day John 1:1-14

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: advertise that children are welcome to come in their pajamas and bring a gift they received. You can also ‘plant’ some children and encourage them to come with gifts or bring your own, A stocking or box or bag filled with small candles, a children’s Bible or this book is recommended: The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children by Katherine Paterson 

Faith+Gather: Gather the children up front or near the tree or creche–where it makes sense in your setting. What gifts did you bring with you? Let the children share what gifts they have with them and ask about who they received the gift from.

Faith+Share: As they are sharing who gave them the gift, comment on those relationships and how part of the gift is that the person giving it to us is sharing themselves and what they have with us. When the kids are done sharing their gifts show them that you have a gift bag/stocking/ as well. There is something pretty simple in my bag but also an important part of Christmas. Last night you heard the story of Mary and Joseph and how they went to Bethlehem… do a quick retell or have kids help you. And the gift that was born was Jesus. Today in our Gospel we are also going to hear a story about how Jesus came into the world told in a different way from the Gospel of John. John says that in the beginning–the very beginning at creation Jesus was there as the word and as the light and then he came into the world to bring God’s word and God’s light to people. And do you know why God did this? You have received gifts from people who love you and care about you and want to share themselves with you. God loves you and cares about you and wants to share hope and love and joy and peace with you.

**here read part of the gospel or read from a children’s Bible or book. “The light of the World” book mentioned in preparation is a good one to use in this section to help tie the stories of Christ as light together. Adjust for your time and setting.

We know Jesus came as a baby to be with us and that he is the word of God come to bring love to us and that Jesus is the light–that no matter what happens in our lives Jesus is with us and promises that one day the light of God is stronger than any darkness that we might see or feel or hear. So can you guess what is in my bag? (let them guess, leading them to think of things that make light)

Yes! A candle, a very simple white candle because candles can help us remember that Jesus is with us all the time, even if it’s a just a little bit of light from this candle. we know that Christ is here. (option: Light one of the candles or point to the candles that are lit) Give each child a small candle. (option: you can also give them a label sticker and markers or a cross sticker to put on the candle. Or if you have an interactive time in your worship you can invite them to take their candle to that station and decorate it. I will be using label stickers and letting them draw on them and then wrap them around their candle.)

Faith+Prayer: Ask children to hold their candles as you prayer together: Jesus, light of the world, come be a light in my heart and help me see you everyday. Amen.

Faith+Blessing: Children of God, you are lights for the world today and always. Amen.