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Children’s sermon Isaiah 35: 1-10 December 15, 2013

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children to you up front. Ask, “So what is that you are thinking you want for Christmas?” Take a few answers–we realize this is dangerous so you may need to just share what you are asking for as gift.

20130822-223633.jpgSo when we talk about what we ask for Christmas, that is like talking about what we hope for or what we expect in the future. So what other things do you hope for? Like what do you hope to be when you are older?

We heard from the bible today about what God hopes for. God has some pretty big hopes–even bigger than wanting a 3DS! (or whatever they have mentioned). At Advent we are watching for God’s hope and light to come into the world at Christmas in Jesus. So we hear from Isaiah that God’s hope is a big vision for there to be light for all people and that all people will know that even when it seems like the world is very dark that Jesus’ light still comes and brings a word of peace and hope for the future. This is a future that is hard to imagine, like it’s hard to imagine being 20 isn’t it?! So the lights that we have in our advent wreath or on the tree or on our house–where do you have lights? Well all these lights, no matter where they are, help us remember God’s big vision, that God’s light is everywhere and that God’s big hope is for the world.

20130822-223749.jpgHoly God, We hope for your light in the world. Help us to see all lights as a reminder of your love for all people and that the darkness will not last but be lit up by God. Amen

20130822-223908.jpgMay you see hope and light from God today and always +


Children’s Sermon Isaiah 11:1-10 Advent 2A December 8, 2013

Preparation: have a stump or a picture of a stump with a shoot coming out of it. Or a picture of a sidewalk with a shoot or sprig of something poking through.

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children. “We are in our second week of Advent. Does anyone remember what advent is?” (take brief answers) “Yes, Advent is when we are watching and waiting for the birth of Jesus. It’s the time we remember that God comes to us even in the darkness.”

FaithCrossShow them your stump or picture. “What is this here? Yes a stump. What is a stump?” (take answers) “Yep, a stump is what is left of a tree that is cut down, would you think a stump looks alive or dead?” (take answers) “A stump has been cut down and doesn’t look very alive. But look closer, do you see this shoot coming out of the stump? It’s like this little miracle that something new can grow out of something that was totally cut down.”

**you can also add a picture of a shoot coming up from a sidewalk and have them notice how the plant has to push through any crack in the thick, hard concrete to make it through and it still is able to be push it’s way out!***

20130822-223633.jpgWe heard from Isaiah today and he is talking to people who have lost a lot. They feel pretty cut down and lifeless, kind of like a stump. They might even be afraid of what is happening in their lives. But Isaiah is also telling them that there is hope. He says from the stump of Jesse a root will spring forth. This means that even though right then the people did not have a king who was from God and they were captive to other people that God was still with them and that God promised to continue to be with them and one day send a messiah that might not look like a king but that would be a light and gift for the world. That is part of our watching and waiting because we know that even when we feel scared or cut off or sad or lonely that Jesus is with us and that we can have hope in God’s promise. Just like that miracle of a shoot of a plant that comes out of a dead stump or pushes through the sidewalk, God’s love and peace are with us even when it’s hard to see.

20130822-223749.jpgJesus, we wait and watch for you. Help us to see hope and remember that you are with us always. Amen


20130822-223908.jpgMay you know the hope of Christ +

Children’s Sermon December 1st, 2013. Advent 1A Isaiah 2:1-5

Preparation: if you would like to pattern your children’s sermons off of our take home devotions for advent the pick an ornament that reminds you of peace or says something about peace.
You also need a picture of a sword and plowshare to show how they look alike. You can simply google for images.

Faith+ Connect: Gather the children with you and near the advent wreath. “Good morning! Look around and tell me if you notice anything different about our space today” take answers and highlight any Advent preparations you have made.

Faith+ Bible: “Today is the beginning of Advent, a season where we prepare for… (Let them say Christmas if they know the answer). You have noticed some things we have done to prepare and you may be making preparations at home too. Today we hear from the prophet Isaiah in our Bible reading. Isaiah is talking to the people about the promises of God that one day we will all walk I the light and on the path of God. We know that this light is in Jesus. One way Isaiah tries to describe what this is like is to say that God will turn swords into plowshares. Do you have any idea what that means? I bet you know what a sword is though, right? So a sword would have been used for fighting and for taking land or things away from someone else. The vision that Isaiah has is for people to come to God and put away their weapons and live together. A plowshare is a part of a farming tool called a plow and it looks like a blade that is also in the shape of a sword. So Isaiah calls people to come together to live in Gods ways and to live in peace.” (Show your picture or toy plow)

If you’re using the home devos take out the ornament that you picked and talk about why it reminds you of peace. Show the children the devotion book and give them each one. Take a few minutes to talk about how to use it and that each week they (and you) will pick an ornament to share.

Faith+Chat: Another way he says this is to say that we will walk in the light. Each week of advent we will light a candle. Today we light the candle and remember the promise that we are people of the light and we can work to live in peace with others in the world. You can light a candle at home as well this week to prepare for the birth of Jesus and to live in the light.

Faith+Prayer: Jesus, we wait your coming and pray for peace in our days and in our world. Thank you for being our light in all ways and all the time.

Faith+Blessing: Walk as a child of the light. +

Children’s Sermon Luke 16:19-31 Pentecost 19C September 29, 2013

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children up front with you and welcome them. Divide the children in half by something like boys and girls, or by hair color –  something so that they are obviously ‘different’ groups. Talk about what is different. Then have a boy and girl or a couple boys and girls create a ‘bridge’ between the two groups. Have each child go under the bridge to show that they are all in one group now. (an alternative idea would be to show the children pictures of bridges that go across a chasm and describe how a bridge connects two sides)

20130822-223633.jpg Summarize the gospel or read from the Storybook Bible pg. 387.

Say, “Lazarus and the rich man were divided by this big space. What were the things that made them different?” (take answers, getting across the idea that they lived totally different lives, wealth and poverty and that the rich man did not even see Lazarus as a person deserving his help or attention) “Jesus is telling this story to show that it does not matter what kind of differences or chasm is between us and other people we are free to reach out and help anyone, no matter if they are a different person or different religion or different way of living. Also, Jesus is like this bridge. Because he came to show that God has love for all people, Jesus bridges all those things that divide us and connects us together. We are all one through Christ. So just like you came through that bridge from your two different groups, Jesus brings all people together no matter their differences.”

20130822-223749.jpgGod, Thank you for sending Jesus to be like a bridge. Help us to see others who are different from us and be your love in the world. Amen


20130822-223908.jpgGod in my head, God in my heart, God on my left, God on my right +

Children’s Sermon Luke 16:1-13 Pentecost 18C September 22, 2013

Preparation: a chalice filled with stickers or small candies or something that the kids can have.

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children together and welcome them. Hold up the chalice and say: Anyone know what I have here? (take answers) Yes, this is called a chalice, it’s the cup that we can hold wine or grape juice in for communion.

20130822-223633.jpgSo I was thinking about this cup and what we usually put in it. And our gospel story today tells about a master, a rich man with people working for him, who rewarded a manager who was not really honest with this money. **Use the Spark Storybook Bible to tell the story in a simple fashion. “Well, it’s an interesting story because it does not seem like the master should reward the manager; it seems like he should punish him instead. But he offers him what we would call grace instead. It certainly seems like a strange way to show grace–would you show grace if your brother or sister gave a way part of your allowance? No probably not, so that is where the chalice comes in.”

FaithCross“See in this story it’s like God is saying grace is everywhere, really and truly everywhere even when it has no business being there. And this chalice is something that shows us grace every week by being here and being full”–now act like you are going to spill the wine and make show of it and let it start to spill out the stickers or small candies. “Uh-oh, if the wine spills it has no business being on the carpet, what will do, I will be in trouble with… (name janitor or pastor or whoever)”. Then let the other things spill and say, “What, these stickers/candies aren’t supposed to be in the chalice! Well, I guess I am glad that they were instead of wine! Grace shows up in all kinds of ways, even where we think that maybe it should not be and for that we can be grateful because God’s grace shows up for us.”

20130822-224425.jpgGod, thank you for your grace that is surprising and present and for us in all ways. Amen


20130822-223908.jpgGod in your head, God in your heart, God on your left, God on your right +

Children’s Sermon Luke 15:1-10 Pentecost 17C September 15, 2013

Preparation: create a memory game or use one that you have. Either put some simple pictures on index cards or get small boxes you can hid objects under. Have one object missing purposely without a match. You will want to only have 3-5 object sets for time constraints.

20130822-223454.jpgGather children up front with you. Have the memory game ready and welcome them. Say, I have this game with me today–anyone every played ‘memory’ before? Let’s try it.

Have one child help you with the turning the cards or lifting the boxes. If you have a small number of kids they can take turns, a large number you will want them to just point while you or one child turns items over. Play until you have the matches all but one.

20130822-223633.jpgHmm, where is the match for this one? Anyone able to find it? I wonder where it went? Should we look for it? Start looking in places close to you. You can make this as long or as short as you want. Find the match in your pocket or someplace near you. Oh, there it is! I wonder how it got there? I am so glad we found this match! We can finish the game! Phew, the game would have been ruined if we didn’t find the match! I do not like it when things are lost.. do you? Have you every been lost? (take answers briefly).

Jesus tells us a story today about a lost sheep and a lost coin. The people who lost them, looked everywhere until they were able to find them. And the ones that were lost, well they couldn’t do much of anything to be found just like our card (or whichever object you had lost) could make a noise or cry out or move to be found, could it? Well that is what this story is about–that God loves you SO MUCH that even if you are lost or even if you aren’t sure about God or have questions about your faith, God will find you. God promises you are always one of her children and that you are found because you belong to God. And I was pretty happy I found that piece, so I could finish the game. Well God is so happy to have you as a child that God throws a party and rejoices and does a happy dance and promises to never leave you.

20130822-223749.jpgJesus, you are always looking for us and we thank you for your love that finds us. Amen


20130822-223908.jpgGod rejoices over you!

Children’s Sermon Luke 11:1-13 Pentecost 10C July 28, 2013

Preparation: Bring with you at least 3 different phones. One with a cord, one cordless, and one cell phone. Also make a play phone with 2 cans and a string

20130715-114218.jpg Gather the children to you. Welcome them and let them see your play phone. Show them how you love your phone, and especially that you love to talk to your friends on it, but tell them you want to get the best phone possible. And show them the 3 phones and let them help you decide which is the best.

FaithCross_BibleALT Say, “In today’s gospel the disciples were also trying to learn the best way to talk to God in prayer. And Jesus shared a prayer with the disciples in today’s gospel that we say in church every Sunday. Do you know what we call that prayer?” (Wait for the answer) And then say, “But Jesus is clear that it isn’t about having the best prayer. It’s about praying to God and knowing that God hears our prayers.

FaithCross_ConversationALTPoint to the phones again and say, “So Jesus knows that we don’t always know how best to pray. Sometimes we think our prayers aren’t the best kind.” (Hold up the tin cans and string.) “We worry that God won’t listen, but Jesus Promises they are heard no matter what our prayers look like. (Pointing at all the phones)

FaithCross_PrayALT Jesus hear our prayers. Help us to always come to you with our joys, and our struggles and fears. Thank you for listening. Amen

FaithCross_BlessALT May your words be a gift to God and the world. Amen

Submitted by Pastor Michael Stadtmueller

Children’s Sermon Luke 10:38-42 July 21, 2013 Pentecost 9C

Preparation: get an assistant to either flash a light or make a small noise to distract you as you begin. Tell them to start out subtle before becoming more obvious to everyone.

20130227-164716.jpg Gather the children to you. Welcome them and start to tell them about the gospel story today. Prompt your assistance to start the light or noise distraction. As you start talking, fade off,lose your place, etc as you are distracted by the noise or light.

FaithCross_BibleALT Say, “wow I really want to focus on this Bible story but it’s hard, I keep getting distracted. Anyone else distracted?” Have the kids point out to you the distraction and then invite your assistant to join you. “This is like our bible story today. Jesus’s visiting sisters Mary and Martha. Martha is making dinner and trying to get this ready to be welcoming to her guest. Well she gets distracted by her sister Mary of helping her and she gets upset and tells Jesus to help her get Mary to come help. Jesus knows Martha is distracted by her worry and frustration and tells her that Mary is focusing in on Gods word and has also chosen a good thing. Jesus wants Martha to remember what the main focus is of being welcoming and that is to show care for others in Gods name.”

FaithCross “Do you ever get distracted? What kinds of things distract you?” (Take answers, be prepared to prompt… Could mention the movie “Up” where the dog is always distracted by the squirrel or electronics, etc.). “Many things that are good and things that are not so food can distract us from remembering we are to focus on Jesus words and live our life base don his words and promises, even our thoughts and feelings can get in the way. I think I need that reminder to focus on Jesus and that many of us do. What are ways we can do this?” (Take answers, mention prayer and worship and reading scripture. If you use the inserts or other daily devotional in your congregation this is a great time to show it and teach again how to use it.

FaithCross_PrayALT Jesus, you are our God. Help us focus on you. Thank you for your words of love for us. Amen

FaithCross_BlessALT May your heart, hands, feet, head, words, and actions be focused on Christ.

Children’s Sermon: Luke 10:25-37 Pentecost 8C July 14, 2013

Preparation: purchase bandaids and have markers

Scripture: Luke 10:25-37

20130227-164821.jpgGather the children and welcome them to their time with you. Show them the bandaids and ask, “Have you ever used one of these? What are they for?” Be prepared, children usually love band aides and owie stories! Say, “Yes, they are helping to protect and owie and for giving the cut or scrape time to heal.”

FaithCross_BibleALTOur Gospel story today, the story about Jesus, is one where a man is very hurt and needs help. Two people who seemed like they would be friends and ones to help just go past him and then a third person who is someone from a place where the man doesn’t think they will help is the one to stop and give him water and take him to a place where he can get bandages. And Jesus tells this story saying that God asks us to love God and to love our neighbors and then he asks who is the neighbor? So who do you think the neighbor is? (take answers) Yes the one who helps.

FaithCross_ConversationALTNow there are all kinds of ways we can talk about our hurts and how we need help. Sometimes our hurts are those that we can see like this cut (show one you have or one that the kids have shown you) or maybe they are bigger hurts like someone having surgery or breaking a bone. And how do we help someone like that? (take answers) Yes, we can carry things for them, open doors, bring them food, make sure they have medicine. But sometimes our hurts are on the inside and we can’t see them on other people and they might not even tell us about their hurts. How do we help those kinds of hurts? (take answers) Yes, we might be able to give hugs or listen to people’s words or maybe someone has held you or given you comfort. And we can pray for them too. Jesus story can also help us to know that we can share the hurts we have on the inside and let others pray for us and care for us and help us to know God’s love and healing and we can do that for other people too.

Hand out the bandaids. On this bandaid you can write a prayer or a hurt that you have or a hurt that you know someone else has. Then put it on and let it remind you to talk to God about that hurt.
Another option: if you have an open space or time for people to go to stations in your service, have bandaids and markers there and invite the children and the rest of the assembly to participate in that station.

FaithCross_PrayALTJesus, you know all our hurts. Help us to let others know when we need to hear about your love and when we need their help. Also be with us when are helping others. Amen

FaithCross_BlessALTMark the sign of the cross and say: May you know Jesus’ healing of your hurts today and always.

Children’s Sermon Trinity Sunday Year C Romans 5:1-5

Guest writer–Pastor Michael Stadtmueller

Scripture: Romans 5:1-5

Prep: On Facebook or through other social media ask your members to share some ways that they have experienced God in the world this week.   Let them know you maybe using some of their answers in this weeks upcoming worship.  Make sure you can share a few different short stories collected in one sentence answers.

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children. Welcome them to worship


FaithCross_BibleALTRead from verse 5 of Romans, “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” Tell them that we believe that God is revealed to us in many ways through the Holy Spirit, and that today we celebrate the 3 separate ways in which God has been made revealed to the church.

FaithCross_ConversationALT(Trinity Sunday can be difficult to grasp when we get caught in the doctrine, so instead speak through the ways we experience God.) Share the images of how God has been revealed to your congregation members.  And ask the children to share where they have seen God.  Then ask the kids… which one was the right answer?  Remind them that God is most certainly revealed through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that we know this means that all of these answers are ways in which God has been revealed.

Remind them that a joy for a Christian is seeking to find how God is being revealed in their own lives and sharing that joy with others.

FaithCross_PrayALTGod the Father, Son and Holy Spirit we know that you are active and present in our world today.  We pray that you would help us to point others to your ever present Grace by revealing yourself to us.  Amen

FaithCross_BlessALTIn the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit you are loved by God. (have children repeat this)