Tag Archives: Psalm series

Children’s Sermon Lent 3A Psalm 95 March 19, 2017

Lent Psalms Children Sermon Series: This is the first in a series of children’s sermons on the Psalms for Lent. For children’s sermons on the gospels you can see Year A 2014

Preparation: Sandbox toys and sand if you are brave

Gather the children with you. I brought with me today some sandbox toys–how many of you like to play in the sand? Yes, it  is a lot of fun! What can you do in the sand? Take Answers. Then ask, what other ways do you like to play?

The Psalm for today is Psalm 95
Use the version from the book Psalms for Young Children by Marie-Helene Delval  that reads:
Let’s shout out loud with joy to God!
Because God is a really big God.
God can hold the world in God’s hands, the deep caves, the mountaintops, the blue seas–and you and me too!

I like this psalm because it is a playful psalm! It tells us how much God loves to play and create and I love to play and create too! Let’s say this psalm together with hands showing the joy of praising God who creates sand and rocks and sun and water and all the things we love to play and create with.

For our prayer, let’s praise God with this psalm together:
Say the psalm together line by line repeating. Use sign language or hand actions. Suggestions are in parenthesis below:

Let’s shout out loud with joy to God! (cup hands to mouth and then lift them high in the air)
Because God is a really big God.  (show really wide big arms)
God can hold the world in God’s hands, (make a circle and put hands out at end)  the deep caves, (hands over eyes looking into a cave) the mountaintops, (hand overhead and clasp together)  the blue seas (make wave motions with hands)–and you and me too! (point out for you and in to yourself for me) AMEN! 

God has made you and formed you with all of creation and you are God’s


Reformed Worship has a wonderful series of Prayer stations on the Psalms for Lent. Go their website and look for Week 3 on Psalm 95

Children’s Sermon Lent 2A Psalm 121 March 12, 2017

Lent Psalms Children Sermon Series: This is the first in a series of children’s sermons on the Psalms for Lent. For children’s sermons on the gospels you can see Year A 2014

Preparation: A map (you need this), compass, boots, other hiking or travel supplies for effect. Also have a cross or stone or something to symbolize how you can feel God with you. If you can, have enough to hand out to the children (or everyone!)

Gather the children with you. Have your travel items with you and ask, what does it look like I am about to do? Yes, I am going on a trip. I think I will go hiking (or wherever you want to say).And what do you think I need to go on this trip? Take answers and show the items you have with you. I know that I need a map for new places especially!

The Psalm for today is Psalm 121. (If you did not read in worship, then read a part of it here. Include verse 18)

When I go on my trip, I am going to be going to new places, seeing new people, maybe even trying new foods or new experiences. Do you like to try new things? I do too and sometimes it is scary too! Just like this map will help me get where I need to go, this psalm reminds me that God promises to be with me and to keep my going out and coming in. What do you think that means? Yes, it means that God will be with me on all the ups and downs of my trip and also of my life. I like to carry this cross in my pocket when I travel because it reminds me every time I feel it that God has me all the time. (If you can hand out crosses or a small item that is a nice touch!)

God, thank you for being a compass and a map for us. You promise to go with us and we thank you. Continue to keep our going out and coming in on all of our trips and throughout our life. Amen

God is your strength and will keep your going out and coming in always.


Reformed Worship has a wonderful series of Prayer stations on the Psalms for Lent. Go their website and look for Week 2 on Psalm 121

Children’s Sermons Lent 1A Psalm 32

Lent Psalms Children Sermon Series: This is the first in a series of children’s sermons on the Psalms for Lent. For children’s sermons on the gospels you can see Year A 2014

Preparation: A blanket or an item that is a comfort item either for you or someone
you know.

Gather the children with you and be holding your comfort item. Ask them if they have anything that they like to sleep with at night? I brought with me my (or whomever it is) blanket/item too. Tell them about this item.

Alternative or Addition–if your congregation does a prayer shawl ministry or quilt ministry, have one of those with you and tell a little bit about that ministry

Psalm 32: 5-7 If you did not read this in worship, read it now. OR use the children’s version from the book Psalms for Young Children by Marie-Helene Delval  that reads:

When I do something wrong, I tell you about it, God. And when you forgive me, I feel calm again.

My blanket makes me feel calm because when I hold it, I think of God being with me all the time just like I want this blanket with me all the time.  and the prayer shawls that we give out offer a sense of God’s presence to those who are hurting or sick or need to feel God’s love with them. And that love God promises to give us over and over again.

If you have prayer shawls or quilts do a blessing of them with this prayer time. If not simply pray for those who need comfort.  Gracious God, thank you for your presence with us always. Bless these blankets made for all those who need to feel your love wrapped around them. Help us remember that you are with us when we need comfort and peace. Amen

Reformed Worship has a wonderful series of Prayer stations on the Psalms for Lent. Go their website and look for Week 1 on Psalm 32