Here is the devotion page for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 17, 2016. (Click on the words!)
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Here is the devotion page for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 17, 2016. (Click on the words!)
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Here is the devotion page for the Second Sunday of Christmas, January 3, 2016. (Click on the words!)
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Check out this cool thing that Pastor Brigette made for her congregation!
Print these out 2-sided on heavy paper and hand them out to your congregation for a quick and easy Christmas devotion.
Here is the devotion page for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, December 25, 2015. (Click on the words!)
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Prepare: For the children’s sermon – have some of the wafers or bread that you use for communion. Ideally, refer to what is on the altar for communion for the service that you are in, but if that is not possible, then have enough wafers/bread to serve communion to the whole congregation.
For the worship station – have some information about hunger/homelessness in or near your community. Even better if you have information about a year-round shelter. (Example of this below!)
Have the children gather around the altar table, or at a table where you have set up some wafers/bread to look a little like communion. Ask them if they know what is set up there and why? This could be a good time to get people talking about communion with their children!
Today’s story is not about communion, but it made me think about communion. It made me think about communion because of how we celebrate communion. Communion is an amazing feast where everyone gets fed and filled up, but not filled with food. See this little amount of bread? This is enough for all of the people here to have some, and to be filled with God’s good gifts of mercy, grace, love and forgiveness – and there are leftovers!
This story is about abundance from nothing! There thousands of hungry people and just a few small loaves, like these, and a few small fish, and Jesus decided that everyone could just share. Everyone ate, everyone was full and there were leftovers! More leftover than they started with!
Even when we think that God is far away, or that we don’t deserve God’s love, there is always more than enough of God’s love for all of us, and then even more!
May God’s abundance fill you up!
God of abundance, You fill us with good things and raise us to new life. Help us to accept the gifts of you love and to fill up the people around us. Amen.
The worship station could go a few ways. One way would be to have some information out about people who need help. You could focus on homeless in your community, or on people facing drought or war or other natural disasters. Offer a chance for people to do something. It can be as simple as a prayer station, or you can set up a basket for donations, or you could have a sign-up sheet to help at a soup kitchen, or for a habitat build. You could have blank cards out for children (or adults) to make cards for people.
Another way you could go is to show a video, or if that is not possible tell a story, about something that is happening in your community. Below is an example from my community about an organization here that is helping people get back on their feet. After the video/story, open a chance for conversation about in small groups about what it means to have your needs met, or not met. Create a space for people to offer public prayers.
Here is the devotion page for The Fifth Sunday After Epiphany, February 8, 2015.
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Here is the devotion page for Christ the King Sunday, November 23, 2014
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Here is the devotion page for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, July 6, 2014
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We have started a new format for our inserts (starting with Pentecost, June 8, 2014). To learn more about this format read this – Keeping up with what God is Doing,
Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!
Here is the devotion page for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 25, 2014
Note – Clicking on the picture will download the insert to your computer or device in PDF format.
Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!
Here is the devotion page for Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014
Note – Clicking on the picture will download the insert to your computer or device in PDF format.
Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!