Faith + Home Connection April 2013 John 20: 19-31

FaithCross_ConnectALT Gather the household to a location where all can be comfortable. Share the highs and lows of each person and then pray for one another.

FaithCross_BibleALT Have on hand a Bible and/or a children’s Bible. Read John 20: 19-31in parts. Ask one person to be the narrator, one to be Jesus and one to be Thomas.

FaithCross_ConversationALTFor children: Has anyone ever told you something that you didn’t believe? Tell about that time. Well Thomas didn’t believe his friends that they had seen Jesus. But then Jesus appeared to Thomas. Jesus knew that Thomas needed to see him to help him know that Jesus was really alive. We don’t see Jesus like Thomas did but we do see God in many different ways in our lives that let’s us know that God is with us always. How do you see God in your life? Just like Jesus came to Thomas, Jesus promises to come to us in our lives and be with us always-even when we are not sure if Jesus is really there-he is!

For  youth/adults: Thomas often gets a bad rap for his “doubting.” Thomas is actually a very faithful disciple in the rest of the gospel stories where he is present. The issue here is not that Thomas demands a little proof, but that Jesus comes to us and stands among us no matter what-even when we have a hard time understanding. Tell about a time when you knew that Jesus was present in your life. Tell about a time when you wondered or doubted that Jesus was present. Doubt is not the opposite of faith-doubt helps us to ask the questions that we are wrestling with to go deeper in our relationship with God. Thomas is the only one in John’s gospel to proclaim Jesus “Lord and God.” Out of Thomas’ doubt sprang a declaration of deep faith and recognition of who Jesus is. When was a time that you wrestled with some questions about God or to God that helped you deepen your faith?

FaithCross_ConnectALT April 2nd is officially PB and J day-so a church in Denver, CO USA, decided to honor that day by starting a service project for April 7th called “PB and J for Hunger”. Make as many PB and J sandwiches as you want/can and go to a location where those without a home may be and hand them out. Food scarcity and access to food is a large issue for many in our communities. You can also donate loaves of bread/peanut butter and jelly to a local food pantry for distribution.

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear Jesus, you come and stand among us even when we doubt. You welcome our questions and promise to be with us always and give us peace. Let us be open to share our questions and struggles with other people who may be questioning as well. We pray to share your unending peace and love with all people, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT“Peace be with you, share that peace.” (Make the sign of the cross on one another.)

Children’s Sermon March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday John 12:12-16

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Palms for the kids and/or whole congregation and a hymn or song with Hosanna

Scripture: John 12:12-16



FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children–you may want to do this at the beginning instead of at the tradition time but either way will work. Give each child a palm branch and show them how to wave it in the air.

FaithCross_BibleALT“Today is Palm Sunday! Does anyone know what you are holding? Yes, a palm branch. We have palm branches today because in our scriptures today we are told about when Jesus came into Jerusalem. Does anyone know what he was riding on? Yes, a donkey. And the people who knew who he was were excited to see him and welcomed him into Jerusalem by waving palms, putting their coats on the ground as a sign of honor and by saying the word Hosanna! Do you know what this word means? It is a way of showing honor and calling Jesus God–saying Save us Jehovah or save us God. The people where saying they believed Jesus was the son of David and the son of God. So we can shout today also Hosanna! Every time you hear that word I want you to shout i back and wave your palms.” Lead the children on a parade through the church. If your choir has a song they are singing with Hosanna do this then or have the congregation sing a hymn with Hosanna and lead the children around the sanctuary waving palm branches. End at the altar and invite the children to lay their palms at the altar.

FaithCross_PrayALTGod, we thank you for sending Jesus to save us, to love us, to show us how to live in your world. Amen


FaithCross_BlessALTMay you know the love of God. Hosanna!

Children’s Sermon March 17, 2013 John 12:1-8 Lent 5C

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: paper bags with different things that smell strong enough that kids can guess what they are in them–one bag per smell. For example: cinnamon sticks, garlic, hot chocolate, flower, other spices or herbs. One bag that has perfume or smelly lotion that you can also use.

Scripture: John 12:1-8

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children with you. “Do you have a favorite smell? Take answers. I brought some things for you to try to guess what they are by the smell.” Open the bags and one by one (so only do 2-3 bags) pass them around and have kids close eyes and smell.

FaithCross_BibleALT“Our sense of smell is very powerful, did you know that? Sometimes we can remember whole events or people just by what we smell. (share an important smell for you). In todays’s story from John we are told about how Mary poured nard or a perfume on Jesus and that the smell filled the house. She did this because it was a way that people prepared for a body for being buried and she was saying that she understood that Jesus was going to go to Jerusalem and one day die to show her and the whole world how much God loves. So this smell filled the house and was likely a smell that after Jesus did leave and die and rise again reminded Mary and the people who there not only about Jesus but about God’s love and forgiveness. Just like when I smell _____ I remember and think of _________. (fill in your own smell story or say cookie and grandma if you can’t think of anything!). I am going to give you each a little spray/squirt of perfume/lotion and I want you to smell it while you pray and then throughout the day when you smell this on your skin you can remember that you are loved by Jesus.” Spray the perfume or give a little lotion to each kid.

FaithCross_PrayALTLet’s pray, Jesus, we have many ways we can remember you. Help us to know that you are with us in all of our days and that even our sense of smell can show us how to be a part of your kingdom and love.  Amen

FaithCross_BlessALTGo with this blessing: May you know the sweet smell of love today!


Children’s Sermon March 10, 2013 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Lent 4C

ffjChildrenSermonNote: The Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent resource for this story. The author does a beautiful job of emphasizing how God’s love never fails. Consider reading this version as the Gospel that everyone hears (audible gasp! I know, but could be awesome!!)

Scripture: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children and welcome them. Start by asking how many of them have a brother or a sister. If you have kids that do not ask if they have a good friend. Do you ever feel like they get something that you don’t? Or have you ever said, “that is not fair!”? Hear there comments–but be prepared they may have more stories on this topic than normal!

FaithCross_BibleALT “There is a story that Jesus told about a family.” Read the story of the prodigal son from a children’s bible or paraphrase the story in your own words. Highlight that Father loved both the children no matter what and that forgiveness happened before the younger son could even say he was sorry. Then ask, “Are you surprised by how the father greeted the son who returned? Have you ever forgiven someone or been forgiven? How does that feel?… In Lent we often talk about focusing on the cross. One thing the cross reminds us of is that Jesus died on the cross because we are loved and forgiven no matter what–even if we are mean to someone, even if we are jealous, even when it does not seem fair.”

“Now take your hands and whisper something into them that you would like to tell God–either an I’m sorry for something or thanking God for something.” Show them by cupping your hands and whispering. Say, “Hold this in your hand while we pray and then we will release them up to God on the Amen.”

FaithCross_PrayALT Jesus, we are sorry for the things we have done that have hurt other people. We thank you for your love and forgiveness. Help us to remember your love is for us and for others. We release our prayers to you (open hands and lift them up to the sky). Amen

FaithCross_BlessALT Go with this blessing: You are loved and forgiven always.

Children’s Sermon March 3rd, 2013 Luke 13:1-9 Third Sunday in Lent Year C

FaithCross_ConnectALT Have a plant or a little tree for this children’s sermon. You may also want a picture of a fig tree to show the children. Gather the children (and the young at heart!) to a spot where all can see the plant.

FaithCross_BibleALT Show the children the plant and say, “I have this plant here that I have had for some time. When I first got it, it was small. So I watered it and gave it some plant food. What do you think happened when I watered it and fed it? (Accept all answers) Yes, it got bigger! This plant maybe wont grow to be too big but have you ever seen a big tree like an apple tree or a orange tree? They started out small as well and then with love and care grew to be quite large. And those kinds of trees when they reach a certain age, if they have been cared for, will grow fruit to be shared with people and animals.

   In part of our Bible story today Jesus talks about a  fig tree (show the picture if you have it) that is cared for by a gardener. It doesn’t give fruit yet and the gardener tells the owner of the tree to be patient and give it more time. The gardener wants to give the tree a little more love and care and time. God is like that gardener for us. God gives us people like our moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas and all kinds of loving adults to take care of us. We grow in that love and care don’t we? Now we don’t grow apples or oranges like trees to share with people but we do have love to share with friends and our family. Do we have to wait to be a certain size or age to share God’s love? NO! We can do that no matter how old we are! What are some ways that we can share love with others? (Accept all answers) We can pray with people, open up our church to those who need a place to sleep, give people food to eat, blankets to be warm (list off ministries that your congregation participates in).

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear God, thank you for loving us and caring for us. No matter how big we are or how old we are we will share your love with the world. In Jesus name, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT Make the sign of the cross on one another and say, May you grow in God’s love and care. 

Children’s Sermon 2nd Sunday of Lent Feb. 24th Luke 13: 31-35

FaithCross_BibleALTThis story is a difficult one and is not in most children’s Bibles. I would recommend paraphrasing and making the point of that the Pharisees warn Jesus to leave as Herod wants to hurt him but Jesus refuses to leave. Jesus wants to stay and be with the people and protect them. Jesus stays with us always and through Jesus we are all connected to one another. This is the main point of our children’s time for this text.

FaithCross_ConversationALT Have a large ball of string or yarn handy. Ask: Have you ever been somewhere like on vacation or visiting grandma or grandpa and you didn’t want to leave? You wanted to stay with the friends or family that you were visiting? Or have you gone to a really good friend’s house and didn’t want to go because you like being with that person so much? Well in our story today Jesus is told that he should leave town because the king Herod wants to hurt him. But Jesus says no to them. He says that he will stay right there in Jerusalem. Why do you think that Jesus would stay in a place where he might get hurt? (Accept all answers) Jesus stays in Jerusalem because in that city are people that God loves very much and Jesus would rather be with those people and be hurt than not be hurt and be away from them. Jesus wants to be with us-all of us-and will stay with us NO MATTER WHAT!

            Jesus is always with you! Now Jesus tells the people at the end of our Bible story today “You will not see me again until you say ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of The Lord.” What do you think that might mean? (Accept all answers) Those are all good ideas! Could it mean that we are sent by God to show God’s love to all of the people in our day? I think it might!  Because of Jesus love for us we are to show that love to other people. And that love connects us all to God and to one another. It’s a connection that we can’t really see but it may be something like this. Unroll the ball of yarn and give an end to a child and then have each child hold on to a piece of the yarn. Let the yarn weave in and out of the group. They do not have to be in a circle. Depending on the size of your congregation and how much yarn you have, pass the ball of yarn around your worship space to connect the adults and children together as well!

Look at all of the people in this room that you are connected to! People of all ages, from lots of different places and with lots of different ideas. How wonderful is that! God connects you to a group of people who love and care for one another! What are some ways that we can show friends at school or in our neighborhood that we are all connected by God’s love? Can we share what we have? Can we talk to a new person at school or sit with someone who is lonely at lunch? Can we shovel the sidewalk for a neighbor or read a book to a younger brother or sister? Yes those are all great ways to show God’s love!

FaithCross_PrayALTWhile we are all connected with this yarn let’s pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for being with us all the time. Thank you for loving us all and send us to show love to all of our family members, friends, and eve those we don’t know. Hold us in your loving arms, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALTMake the sign of the cross on each child and say “You are a blessing to God’s world.” 

Let us walk with you on the journey of faith. Whether your feet are big or small, fresh or worn, running or crawling, God's love goes with you and you stand on holy ground.