Faith+Home Connection Monthly Devo January 2014

20130822-223520.jpgShare a high & low from 2013 or what you are looking forward to in 2014



20130822-223633.jpgRead Matthew 5: 13-16

MEMORY VERSE: This is the memory verse for this month. :  Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

Write the on paper and post it on your fridge or in your bathroom–somewhere you look every day! Memorize this verse together this month!

FaithCrossFor children: Where are places that we see light? Look for lights around the house. What does light do? What do you think it means to let OUR light shine? How do you see God’s light in the world?

For youth/adults: What stands out to you in this passage? What is it about light/salt that would be a good image for us as Christians? Where is the promise or hope in the verses?



Pray together. Pray for places in the world that need light–look at a newspaper or get out a map and name out loud those places that need God’s light.


20130822-223908.jpgMake the sign of the cross on one another and say: + “God’s light is with you and shines through you”


FaithCross_ServeALTGo around your house and count light fixtures. For every light donate .20 cents to a local charity like Habitat to help those who needs lights in their homes.


Children’s Sermon Christmas Day, John 1:1-14, December 25, 2013

Prepare:  You will need a nativity set with all the pieces!

20130822-223520.jpg  Tell them that today we get to hear the Christmas story from the Gospel of John, then read John 1:1-5.  Feel free to make the language a little more “child friendly,” like changing “testify” to “talk about,” or something like that.

FaithCross  Huh.  That’s a funny Christmas story.  Let’s see here, I brought a Nativity set to help me tell the story, but I’m not sure that any of these pieces are in the story that I just read.  (Take the pieces out of the nativity scene as you mention them.)  I didn’t hear about wise men, or shepherds.  There wasn’t an angel, either.  Mary and Joseph weren’t there.  I didn’t even hear about a baby!  Well, I guess I brought the wrong things to tell the story today . . . wait, let’s read a little further in the story.  (Read John 1:6-14)

Did you hear that?  The Word of God became flesh and lived among us!  That sounds like a baby to me!  Let’s put the baby back then.  When we talk about the Word of God we often think of stories.  Well, before we had so many books people had to remember stories so that they wouldn’t get lost.  And babies need people to remember them so that they can get food and be taken care of and not get lost, so let’s put Mary and Joseph back.

What good is a story if it doesn’t get told?  That’s the best way to learn a story, right?  To hear someone tell it and then tell it back?  Just like the angels told the story with their song!  And who did they tell?  A story needs to be heard, right?  That’s right, they told the shepherds.  So I guess we should put the angel and the shepherds back, too!

Alright, now all the people here know the story, but they all live here.  What this story needs is someone to help spread it around.  I wonder who we could find to come hear the story and then take it with them?  The wise men!  That’s it!  Three people from a far away land who came to see and hear and who will take the story with them to their homes.

Look!  Out Nativity set is complete again!  And you thought that this wasn’t a Christmas story!

20130822-223749.jpg  Word of God, teach us the stories of our faith, be always on lips and always burning in our hearts.  Be with as we hear the story again and again, and give us the courage to tell the story again and again.  Amen

FaithCross_BlessALT  May God’s Word shine a light into your life today and always.


Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.

Children’s Sermon Christmas Eve, Isaiah 9:2-7, December 24, 2013

Prepare:  You will need a really good blindfold, so that whoever is wearing it is completely in the dark.

 20130822-223454.jpg As the children gather find a volunteer to be blindfolded.  They do not need to do anything other than sit and listen, they just need to wear the blindfold.  Ideally this is one of the children, but if none of them are willing it can be a youth or adult helper.  They will need to talk about wearing the blindfold at the end, so it should be someone who is not too shy.

FaithCross  I bet you are wondering why (person’s name here!) is wearing a blindfold.  We will get to that, but first we should talk about the reading from Isaiah.  Did you hear that?  What a great Christmas story, don’t you think?  (give a little time)  Wait, you didn’t hear the Christmas story in that reading?

Well, let’s see if we can tell the Christmas story together, what do you think?  (Prompt the children through the story, starting with the Mary and Joseph traveling, and end with the angels and the bright light that the shepherds saw.  Take a little time, we want that person in the blindfold to be there for a while!)

Wow!  You guys know this story really well!  Well, let’s see if we can find that story in the reading from Isaiah.  The story of Christmas is the beginning of something new.  Jesus being born changes everything.  The Isaiah reading talks about people who can’t see the good things in life, or don’t have hope, finding hope and love.  It is about people who difficult lives finding relief from the things that are hard.  Some of those difficult things could be being sick, or getting bullied, or just being sad about something.  We get used to these things, so when they are taken away it is surprising.  All of this is why Jesus came to earth, why he was born!

So, what does it feel like to have a burden lifted?  Let’s see – (Take off the blindfold) what do you see?  (Give a little time for the blindfolded person answer). 

FaithCross_PrayALT  God of hope and light, we praise you for the gift of your son and for the chance to share his love.  Help us to keep you in our hearts during this season and throughout the year.  Amen

FaithCross_BlessALT  May God’s Word shine a light into your life today and always.


Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.

Children’s Sermon Isaiah 7:10-17 December 22, 2013

Preparation: either make little cards that say Immanuel God with us or get some small crosses or those cross in a pocket coins or some small item to symbolize God with us.

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children to the front. (If you know some of their names already be prepared with knowing some of the name meanings if you can.)  Ask, “Does anyone here know what their name means?” Take answers or point out some you know. For instance John is ‘beloved of God’ , etc. Share what your name means.

20130822-223633.jpg“In our scripture from Isaiah, the prophet who was declaring hope to people in a time when they did not feel much hope, he says that one day a son will be born and his name will be Immanuel. Do you know who we as Christians say that son is? (taken answers) Yes, we are reading this scripture today because in just two days we will celebrate the birth of Jesus, a son come into the world. and another name we hear sometimes for Jesus is Immanuel. This has a special meaning too, it means ‘God with us.’ What do you think of when you hear the name Immanuel means God with us?” (take answers and give some of your own–sharing ways that God is with us each day and all the time.)

I have a _______ (card, pocket coin, cross, whatever it is you can give them to think of God with them all the time) for you today. You can take this back with you and put it in your pocket or wherever you might want to keep it to help you remember that God is with you all the time.

20130822-223749.jpgJesus, we know your light comes into the world and we know your name Immanuel means you are with us always. Help us to feel your presence and know your love. Amen

20130822-223908.jpgGod is with you all the time and all the time God is with you. +

Children’s sermon Isaiah 35: 1-10 December 15, 2013

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children to you up front. Ask, “So what is that you are thinking you want for Christmas?” Take a few answers–we realize this is dangerous so you may need to just share what you are asking for as gift.

20130822-223633.jpgSo when we talk about what we ask for Christmas, that is like talking about what we hope for or what we expect in the future. So what other things do you hope for? Like what do you hope to be when you are older?

We heard from the bible today about what God hopes for. God has some pretty big hopes–even bigger than wanting a 3DS! (or whatever they have mentioned). At Advent we are watching for God’s hope and light to come into the world at Christmas in Jesus. So we hear from Isaiah that God’s hope is a big vision for there to be light for all people and that all people will know that even when it seems like the world is very dark that Jesus’ light still comes and brings a word of peace and hope for the future. This is a future that is hard to imagine, like it’s hard to imagine being 20 isn’t it?! So the lights that we have in our advent wreath or on the tree or on our house–where do you have lights? Well all these lights, no matter where they are, help us remember God’s big vision, that God’s light is everywhere and that God’s big hope is for the world.

20130822-223749.jpgHoly God, We hope for your light in the world. Help us to see all lights as a reminder of your love for all people and that the darkness will not last but be lit up by God. Amen

20130822-223908.jpgMay you see hope and light from God today and always +


Children’s Sermon Isaiah 11:1-10 Advent 2A December 8, 2013

Preparation: have a stump or a picture of a stump with a shoot coming out of it. Or a picture of a sidewalk with a shoot or sprig of something poking through.

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children. “We are in our second week of Advent. Does anyone remember what advent is?” (take brief answers) “Yes, Advent is when we are watching and waiting for the birth of Jesus. It’s the time we remember that God comes to us even in the darkness.”

FaithCrossShow them your stump or picture. “What is this here? Yes a stump. What is a stump?” (take answers) “Yep, a stump is what is left of a tree that is cut down, would you think a stump looks alive or dead?” (take answers) “A stump has been cut down and doesn’t look very alive. But look closer, do you see this shoot coming out of the stump? It’s like this little miracle that something new can grow out of something that was totally cut down.”

**you can also add a picture of a shoot coming up from a sidewalk and have them notice how the plant has to push through any crack in the thick, hard concrete to make it through and it still is able to be push it’s way out!***

20130822-223633.jpgWe heard from Isaiah today and he is talking to people who have lost a lot. They feel pretty cut down and lifeless, kind of like a stump. They might even be afraid of what is happening in their lives. But Isaiah is also telling them that there is hope. He says from the stump of Jesse a root will spring forth. This means that even though right then the people did not have a king who was from God and they were captive to other people that God was still with them and that God promised to continue to be with them and one day send a messiah that might not look like a king but that would be a light and gift for the world. That is part of our watching and waiting because we know that even when we feel scared or cut off or sad or lonely that Jesus is with us and that we can have hope in God’s promise. Just like that miracle of a shoot of a plant that comes out of a dead stump or pushes through the sidewalk, God’s love and peace are with us even when it’s hard to see.

20130822-223749.jpgJesus, we wait and watch for you. Help us to see hope and remember that you are with us always. Amen


20130822-223908.jpgMay you know the hope of Christ +

Let us walk with you on the journey of faith. Whether your feet are big or small, fresh or worn, running or crawling, God's love goes with you and you stand on holy ground.