Prepare: Bring some food to share. Something simple would be best, to mirror the breakfast of bread and fish on the shore. I would suggest rice crackers or wheat thins (think about food allergies in your own setting!)
Faith+Open: Greet the children with, “Alleluia! Christ is risen!” If they do not know the response, teach them to say, “Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!”
Faith+Share: I love all these stories after Easter! This one is really fun because it makes me think of a couple other great stories about Jesus. The disciples were out fishing at the beginning of this story, and Jesus appeared on the beach, kind of like the first time that some of them met Jesus. Something very similar happens, they had not caught any fish and Jesus told them to try the other side of the boat and the net fills with fish! Then, on the beach, they share a meal of bread and fish, like when Jesus feed all those thousands of people from just a few fish and rolls. It’s like Jesus is trying to remind them of the amazing things that they have seen and been part of, and I think I know why.
After breakfast, Jesus talks to Peter and asks him, “Do you love me?” Peter says, “Yes, of course I do!” Then Jesus tells him to, “feed my lambs,” and “tend my sheep” and “feed my sheep.” What do you think Jesus is trying to say to Peter? (wait for some answers) Yeah, those are good answers! Jesus isn’t just talking about sheep, is he? He is talking about how we care for each other. How we feed each other, how we love each other, and how we take care of each other. Because we love Jesus, we also should love those around us because we are all part of God’s family, we are all God’s sheep!
So, before you go, we are going to share a simple meal with each other. Each of you take one cracker and then we will pray together. Don’t eat until we pray, just hold it.
Faith+Prayer: Loving Jesus, we thank you for all the people who care for us in our lives. We thank you for the food that you give to us and for the love that you show us. Teach us to love others as you love us. Amen
OK, bless each other and you can eat your cracker!
Faith+Blessing: Say, “Alleluia! Christ is risen!” – Let then respond, “Christ is Risen indeed! Alleluia!”
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