Category Archives: Weekly Devotions


Here is the devotion page for Lectionary 31B (October 30-November 5) – Year B. (Click on the words!)

NOTE:  There has been some confusion about the dates on the Devotion pages.  The dates are the range of Sundays that the pages are for.  If you are using starting on a Sunday in the range, then you are using the correct one!  Read below for a longer explanation.

Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!


Lectionary dates and time after Pentecost

We are working on developing a complete 3 year cycle of devotion pages for the Revised Common Lectionary.  To make this really work the pages need to be tied to the lectionary Sunday, not the specific date.  For most seasons of the church year this is pretty easy to do.  The First Sunday in Advent is 4 weeks before Christmas, every year, so the date floats around, but the readings are always the same.  It is similar for Epiphany, Lent and Easter.  The Second Sunday after Epiphany is always the same readings, as is the Second Sunday of Lent and Easter.  Pentecost and the season after are different.  Unlike the other seasons where the first reading of the season is set, in the time after pentecost the last reading is set.  The readings for Christ the King are always lectionary 34 and Christ the King Sunday is always on the Sunday that is between November 20 and 26, inclusive of those dates (five weeks before Christmas).  This wouldn’t be a big deal if Easter was also set, but Easter moves – by as much as 5 weeks!  So the Day of Pentecost can be closer or further away from Christ the King, depending on when Easter falls.  So if the Easter is early, the season after Pentecost is longer, and there are more readings leading up to Christ the King.  If Easter is late, there are fewer.  Since the last Sunday is of the season is set, that means the early Sundays are not always the same readings.  For example – in 2017 the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost used the readings for Lectionary 11 (Easter was relatively late that year).  In 2018 the 2nd  Sunday after Pentecost used Lectionary 9 (Easter was early).  So, indicating which Sunday after Pentecost on the devotion pages is not clear from year to year – so we use lectionary numbers that are tied to a range of Sundays.

The Kingdom Of God is NEar

Gather the children near the font if possible. Ask them if they have ever felt left out? Accept all answers. Say “yes! We all have felt left out at some point in our lives. What made you feel better about that? Or did you feel better about it? Do you still struggle? I know that I sometimes do! But I can remember that I am included in God’s family.
In today’s Luke story and the letter from Paul to the people of Galatia, we are learning that God includes everyone into God’s family. Paul says that we are to keep doing good to everyone as they are part of God’s family. Jesus tells the 70 people that he sent out to tell the world about God’s love that sometimes people will like what you say and sometimes they will reject it and you will feel left out. But the good news and the promise is that the Kingdom of God is near-is near everyone no matter what! You are always included in God’s love. God says so in water being poured on us at baptism, in the bread and in the wine at communion and in this community here who promises to love each other like God loves no matter what! Your name, Jesus says, is written in heaven, or what that really means is on God’s heart. You are never left out of God’s love! Who can you share that with?
Let’s pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for telling us that all people are included in God’s love and in God’s kingdom. We pray to include all people in your love too! Amen.
+Your name is written on God’s heart+
Worhsip prayer station: Supples: Large poster board with the words “KINGDOM OF GOD” written on it, markers, crayons, stickers. (might need more than one poster board for a larger congregation))
Invite people to write names and groups of people who are also written in heaven, or on God’s heart. It’s a great reminder to add those names of people whom we struggle with or who stuggle with us! Invite people to pray for this list during the week.