Category Archives: Children’s Sermons

Children’s Sermon Isaiah 7:10-17 December 22, 2013

Preparation: either make little cards that say Immanuel God with us or get some small crosses or those cross in a pocket coins or some small item to symbolize God with us.

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children to the front. (If you know some of their names already be prepared with knowing some of the name meanings if you can.)  Ask, “Does anyone here know what their name means?” Take answers or point out some you know. For instance John is ‘beloved of God’ , etc. Share what your name means.

20130822-223633.jpg“In our scripture from Isaiah, the prophet who was declaring hope to people in a time when they did not feel much hope, he says that one day a son will be born and his name will be Immanuel. Do you know who we as Christians say that son is? (taken answers) Yes, we are reading this scripture today because in just two days we will celebrate the birth of Jesus, a son come into the world. and another name we hear sometimes for Jesus is Immanuel. This has a special meaning too, it means ‘God with us.’ What do you think of when you hear the name Immanuel means God with us?” (take answers and give some of your own–sharing ways that God is with us each day and all the time.)

I have a _______ (card, pocket coin, cross, whatever it is you can give them to think of God with them all the time) for you today. You can take this back with you and put it in your pocket or wherever you might want to keep it to help you remember that God is with you all the time.

20130822-223749.jpgJesus, we know your light comes into the world and we know your name Immanuel means you are with us always. Help us to feel your presence and know your love. Amen

20130822-223908.jpgGod is with you all the time and all the time God is with you. +

Children’s sermon Isaiah 35: 1-10 December 15, 2013

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children to you up front. Ask, “So what is that you are thinking you want for Christmas?” Take a few answers–we realize this is dangerous so you may need to just share what you are asking for as gift.

20130822-223633.jpgSo when we talk about what we ask for Christmas, that is like talking about what we hope for or what we expect in the future. So what other things do you hope for? Like what do you hope to be when you are older?

We heard from the bible today about what God hopes for. God has some pretty big hopes–even bigger than wanting a 3DS! (or whatever they have mentioned). At Advent we are watching for God’s hope and light to come into the world at Christmas in Jesus. So we hear from Isaiah that God’s hope is a big vision for there to be light for all people and that all people will know that even when it seems like the world is very dark that Jesus’ light still comes and brings a word of peace and hope for the future. This is a future that is hard to imagine, like it’s hard to imagine being 20 isn’t it?! So the lights that we have in our advent wreath or on the tree or on our house–where do you have lights? Well all these lights, no matter where they are, help us remember God’s big vision, that God’s light is everywhere and that God’s big hope is for the world.

20130822-223749.jpgHoly God, We hope for your light in the world. Help us to see all lights as a reminder of your love for all people and that the darkness will not last but be lit up by God. Amen

20130822-223908.jpgMay you see hope and light from God today and always +


Children’s Sermon Isaiah 11:1-10 Advent 2A December 8, 2013

Preparation: have a stump or a picture of a stump with a shoot coming out of it. Or a picture of a sidewalk with a shoot or sprig of something poking through.

20130822-223520.jpgGather the children. “We are in our second week of Advent. Does anyone remember what advent is?” (take brief answers) “Yes, Advent is when we are watching and waiting for the birth of Jesus. It’s the time we remember that God comes to us even in the darkness.”

FaithCrossShow them your stump or picture. “What is this here? Yes a stump. What is a stump?” (take answers) “Yep, a stump is what is left of a tree that is cut down, would you think a stump looks alive or dead?” (take answers) “A stump has been cut down and doesn’t look very alive. But look closer, do you see this shoot coming out of the stump? It’s like this little miracle that something new can grow out of something that was totally cut down.”

**you can also add a picture of a shoot coming up from a sidewalk and have them notice how the plant has to push through any crack in the thick, hard concrete to make it through and it still is able to be push it’s way out!***

20130822-223633.jpgWe heard from Isaiah today and he is talking to people who have lost a lot. They feel pretty cut down and lifeless, kind of like a stump. They might even be afraid of what is happening in their lives. But Isaiah is also telling them that there is hope. He says from the stump of Jesse a root will spring forth. This means that even though right then the people did not have a king who was from God and they were captive to other people that God was still with them and that God promised to continue to be with them and one day send a messiah that might not look like a king but that would be a light and gift for the world. That is part of our watching and waiting because we know that even when we feel scared or cut off or sad or lonely that Jesus is with us and that we can have hope in God’s promise. Just like that miracle of a shoot of a plant that comes out of a dead stump or pushes through the sidewalk, God’s love and peace are with us even when it’s hard to see.

20130822-223749.jpgJesus, we wait and watch for you. Help us to see hope and remember that you are with us always. Amen


20130822-223908.jpgMay you know the hope of Christ +

Children’s Sermon Luke 23:33-43, Christ the King Sunday, Year C

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Have an object (any object will do) in a box or bag or in some way covered up. You are going to play the game 20 questions with this object.

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children around you and show the box that contains the object you have chosen. You can tell the kids whether it’s an animal, vegetable or mineral if you would like. Then have the children ask you only “yes” or “no” questions about the object. You don’t have to keep track if they ask 20 questions or not, that is up to you! It also doesn’t really matter if they guess what the object is or not for this lesson. When the children have either guessed or reached question number 20, say, “It was hard to only ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions wasn’t it? Were you wondering if I was telling the truth or if there was more information than ‘yes’ or ‘no’? Even though being told ‘yes’ or ‘no’ seems like an easy way to go, it’s actually harder than being able to get a longer answer from someone isn’t it? It’s better to have a real conversation and get more information.”

FaithCross_BibleALTWho can help me remember the story from the Bible about Jesus we just heard? (Accept all answers and guide them through a retelling of the gospel.) Is this the time of year when we think about this story? This sounds more like Good Friday doesn’t it? Well, we are hearing this story today because it is the last day of the Church’s calendar-kind of like our New Year’s Eve and this story is really important to us but this story comes with a lot of questions to. People in the story are even asking questions: Are you not the Messiah? Do you fear God? Can’t you save yourself Jesus? Jesus doesn’t give a yes or no answer to these questions does he? Do you think if he told them they would have believed him? Maybe yes, maybe no-but the most important thing is that Jesus heard their questions. And then Jesus tells the people listening something more important than anything: that they will be with Jesus. This is why we hear this story today. It helps us to remember what is most important as we celebrate Christmas, that Jesus is with us always and loves us. Jesus will never leave us, no matter what questions or how many questions we may have about God. We can ask God whatever we want, even if it is a hard question. We can talk to each other about our hard questions too, can’t we? We can talk to our moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas and everyone here. We all have questions about God and we should talk about them together.

FaithCross_PrayALTDear God, thank you for listening to our questions. We know that we can talk to you anytime we need to about anything. Thank you for families who talk to us about you. In Jesus name, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT“Jesus is with you today.” (Make the sign of the cross on one another.)

Children’s sermon November 17th, 2013 26th Sunday after Pentecost Year C Luke 21:5-19

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: This children’s time is loosely based off of the Gospel reading and is also an opportunity to talk to children about complex and frightening topics such as super typhoon Haiyan. Have a large cross available for the children to put sticky notes on. Have several stacks of sticky notes, pencils, pens and markers. You will also need either a cross sticker or some sort of simple cross to give everyone in your congregation. Invite the adults to participate with the children.

FaithCross_ConnectALTHave the children gather around the cross. Ask the children if they know why the cross is important to us. (Accept all answers.) Tell the children that yes, Jesus died on the cross and it is how we know that God understands our fear, our hurting and is always with us. Jesus on the cross reveals that God is with us even in some pretty scary times and places. We have all had scary experiences haven’t we and we worry about being alone, sick, hurt or scared. This is completely normal and we all worry. Every single person here-even adults-worry about these same things.

FaithCross_BibleALTWe heard Jesus mention some pretty scary things in the Bible this morning didn’t we? Jesus knows that we hear difficult things on the news or on the computer like storms or other stuff. BUT Jesus wants us to know that even if these scary things happen-we are not alone. We have a whole group of people here and in our neighborhoods that are with us; we have family, friends AND Jesus promises to be with us NO MATTER WHAT. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we are doing-Jesus promises to be there. Jesus says this in the Bible: Matthew 28: 20 “I am with you until the end of the age” which means forever.

But that doesn’t mean that we still won’t worry, right? I do! I worry! Do you know what I do when I am worried? I might talk to my husband or my friend but I always pray and talk to God about what is scaring me. I have some sticky notes here for all of us (including adults!). Let’s all write or draw a picture of what is worrying us or scaring us. (This might take some time so you will need to allow for this. Have older children help younger children or adults help.)

When you are done writing/drawing, put your worry on the cross. Jesus knows what it is to be afraid and hurt and promises to listen and be with you when you are scared and hurt. The cross can remind us of that. After you put your worry on the cross come and pick up a cross sticker to take home to put in your room, on your refrigerator or another place where you will see it. The cross can remind you that when you are afraid God is there and to tell God all your worries and fears.

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear God, sometimes we are scared. Thank you for promising to be with us and for our friends, family and neighbors who help us when we are worried or scared. We know that you love us and care for us always. In Jesus name, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT (Make the sign of the cross): Do not be afraid, Jesus is with you always.

Children’s Sermon November 10, 2013 25th Sunday after Pentecost

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Have a small tree branch or seed (maybe a tulip bulb) to show the children. If you can-have a bulb or other seeds to give the children.

20130822-223520.jpgBring the children together and have them sit in a circle where they can see you. Hold up the branch or the bulb. Ask the children what they see. (Accept all answers) Tell them that you see a great big green growing tree or a field of colorful tulips. You see a forest or a garden. Sometimes we have to look past what we know and try to see what God sees.

20130822-223633.jpgIn our story today, some religious leaders were asking Jesus about what happens after we die. Do we keep all of our friends? Do we stay married to the people we were married to? Do the rules of this world matter? Jesus tells them that they are worried about the wrong things. With God, there is no death-only life. Just like this bulb might look dead to us-it is life waiting to happen. God looks to bring life out of everything-even something as scary as death. God says that because God loves us so much and that we belong to her, that we don’t have to worry about what happens when we or someone we love dies. God will bring about life with God forever. Do we completely understand that? No but that’s ok. We know it’s true because God raised Jesus from the dead and God promises this new life to us too!

Even better, God promises us new life here and now, every day! God promises to be with us when we are scared and can’t see happiness or how a dead tree branch will grow leaves. God gives us all of these people around us to help us see new life in God when it is hard for us. And we show all of these same people God’s new life too! Here is a seed/bulb to help you to remember to look for new life in God everywhere you go.

20130822-223749.jpg Dear God of life, help us to see life and love everywhere we go and in everyone we meet. Help us to reveal the new life you promise us all. In Jesus name, amen.

20130822-223908.jpg (Make the sign of the cross) Remember that you belong to the God of the living.

Children’s Sermon Nov. 3rd, 2013, All Saints Sunday Ephesians 1: 11-23

Preparation: You will need two small tea light candles for each child or two glow sticks
for each child. If you give the candles PLEASE emphasize that only adults light candles.
20130822-223315.jpgHave the children gather around the Paschal candle (have it lit) if you
have one or the altar candles. Talk about the nature of light and how
even just one little candle can give enough light to let us see in the
dark and show us the way.
20130822-223633.jpgSay: “We read part of a letter this morning that someone named Paul
wrote to people in a place called Ephesus. Paul wanted the people their
to know how wonderful it was that they loved God. Paul also wanted to
remind them that God was working through them to reveal God’s love to
everyone that they talked to in their day. The people of Ephesus were
sort of like this candle. They showed people the way to God by just being who God
created them to be and and telling people about God.
Is there someone in your life who talks to you about God? Who is that person?” (Accept
all answers.) “These people are like lights that point us to God aren’t they? Do you know
that you also show people God? You do! You are a light to someone and show God’s
“I have two candles (tea lights) for you to take home today. One is for you-now never
light a candle with out mom or dad-and one is for you to give to someone who talks to
you about God. When you give it to them say, ‘you are God’s light to me!'”
20130822-224425.jpg“Dear God, thank you for all the people who tell me about you. Help us
to talk to our friends about God too. Amen.”
20130822-223908.jpg(Make the sign of the cross on one another) “You reflect God’s light.”

Children’s Sermon Oct. 27th, 2013, Reformation Sunday, Jeremiah 31: 31-34

20130822-223520.jpg As the children come forward be playing with a lump of play-dough. Talk about how what is so cool about play-dough is that you can make it into anything that you want. You can make a snake, a letter, a shape, whatever your imagination allows (make one or two of these things if you can). If we don’t like what we have made we can start over and try again, over and over-that’s the really neat part of play-dough.


20130822-223633.jpg In a book of the Bible called Jeremiah, the people had forgotten about God. They did not remember to pray to God or that God loved them very much. God wanted the people to remember that they are loved and so God tells the people that God will make a new promise with them. God will forgive them for forgetting God and will help them to know about God in their lives. God reminds them that they belong to him/her and that nothing changes that. God will work in their hearts to help them remember to whom they belong and forgive the things that they had done that were not nice.

God does that with us too! We know that changes us and makes us new, day after day, over and over. Each day God promises to be with us and to help us to live God’s love in the world.

Here is a piece of play-dough for each of you to have. Let’s make a heart out of it to remind us that God changes our hearts to live in God’s love and to share God’s love every single day.

20130822-223749.jpg God, you promise to be our God and that we are your people forever. Thank you for making us new every day and for loving all people. Amen.

20130822-223908.jpg Make the sign of the cross and say, “You belong to God.”

Children’s Sermon, Oct. 20th, 2013, 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 32: 22-32


ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Have a small plant or a stuffed animal or a picture of your pet.

20130822-223520.jpg Bring the children together. Have them sit where they can see you and what you are holding. Show them the object that you have brought with you. (What you will say exactly will depend upon what you have brought.) Hold up the plant/or stuffed animal and say, “I just got this plant/toy this week. I really like it and it is special to me. But I don’t have a name for it yet. What should I name it? (As the children give you names, remind them that you want the name to mean something special to you or your family. If you have brought a picture of your pet already named, lead a conversation around how you named your pet.) Maybe you will settle on a name and you can say, “Yes! I like that name, it has a special meaning to me in my life. Have you ever named anything?  A pet, a toy, a baby doll, or maybe you got to help name a younger brother or sister? How did you decide on the name? Did you pick a name that you didn’t like? No, you picked a name that was special to you and tells the world how much you love your pet, or sibling.

20130822-223633.jpg Today we heard a story about a man named Jacob. He loved God very much but had been having some troubles in his life. Jacob was moving his family which in those days meant walking and carrying your stuff or putting your stuff on animals to carry. So you couldn’t have everything you needed and it was hard work. One night he had sent his family ahead a bit and he was alone. Now this story is very old and a little different from some of the other Bible stories. A man came and wrestled or fought with Jacob all night. Jacob had his hip hurt and was very tired but refused to stop wrestling until the man gave him a blessing. Do you know what a blessing is? It’s when someone reminds you of how you belong to God and that God loves you very much. Well, finally Jacob got his blessing in the form of a new name! The man said that his name was now Israel which means, “he who strives with God.” Jacob, now Israel, had been wrestling with God! God doesn’t mind when we argue with God, as a matter of fact, God loves that we talk to God about everything!”

“Did you know that God has given you a special name as a blessing too? Remember what a blessing is? A reminder that God loves you and that you belong to God. God calls each of you not just by your name of…(fill in some names here) but “Child of God.” Just as you give your pets or toys special names, God has given each of us a special name too!”

20130822-223749.jpg Dear God, thank you for calling us “child of God.” May we share the good news that you love us all and call us yours. Help us to share your blessings with our friends, our family and our neighbors. In Jesus name, amen.

20130822-223908.jpg “You are called God’s child now and forever.”

*Special  thanks to Lois Moss for the idea!

Children’s Sermon 22nd Sunday After Pentecost (Lec 29), Luke 18:1-18 – October 20, 2013

Prepare:  Bring a picture or ad of something outrageous that you want, like a new car, or an expensive guitar, or the newest phone, or whatever you dream about having that is just unattainable.

20130822-223520.jpg  Pretend to be totally absorbed in picture/ad that you brought as the children gather.  Look at them with sudden surprise once they are all gathered up.  Then show them the picture and talk about how much you want it.  Then . . .

FaithCross  I know what I’ll do!  I’m going to go [to the store, etc] and beg them to give it to me until they do.  I’ll just stand there and pester them all day, all week if that’s what it takes!  Do you think that will work?  (I hope that you get some “no” answers here!)  You think it’s a bad idea?  But wait, it says to do that in the Bible!  Here, listen to this – (You can either read the story, or just tell it in your own words, whatever you think will work best for you.  This one doesn’t show up in many children’s Bibles!  Make sure you emphasize that the judge is unjust, mean, doesn’t care about people or God, etc – AND that the widow is seeking justice, not just some toy that she wants.)

Hmmm . . . now that I read that story again, maybe this isn’t a good idea.  The widow was trying to get the judge to fix something that was wrong, something that was not fair.  She was persistent because she knew what was right and good and needed the judge to help her fix things.  If I went to a store and begged for this I would just be annoying!  This isn’t anything that I need, and it doesn’t make the world better for me to have it.

What Jesus is really saying here is that we should ask for things that make our world better, and if we know that something is wrong we should ask for things to be fixed.  Jesus even says that if an unjust and mean judge can figure out how to do the right thing, imagine what God can do!

20130822-223749.jpg  Right and true God, thank you for giving us good things, and for giving us people in our lives who know how to take of things and make thing right. Amen.

20130822-223908.jpg  Make the sign of the cross and say, “God be in your head, God be in your heart, God be on your left, and God be on your right.  Amen”


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