Here is the Weekly devotion for the Fourth Sunday in Lent – March 10, 2013
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Here is the Weekly devotion for the Fourth Sunday in Lent – March 10, 2013
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Here is the Weekly devotion for the Third Sunday in Lent – March 3, 2013
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Here is the Weekly devotion for the Second Sunday in Lent – February 24, 2013
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Here is the Weekly devotion for the First Sunday in Lent – February 17, 2013
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Prepare: Bring some kind of party decoration, preferably something that marks a change in your life, like a graduation, marriage, retirement, etc. Note that you will need to modify parts of this children’s sermon to fit your party and your experience.
Faith+Open: Have your party item out and easy to see as you gather the children together. Ask the children if they have ever been to a party, be ready to hear a few stories and move on.
Faith+Share: Wow, those sound like some great parties! I wanted to tell you a little about a party that I was at once. (Here is where you will need to think about your own situation. I will write what I would say.) This says ”Congrats Grad!” What do you think it’s from? Right, a graduation! I was thinking about my college graduation and all the fun I had celebrating that day. That party was celebrating more than a single event, the graduation itself, but also all that had come before and all that lay ahead. See, you can only get to a college graduation by staying in school and working really hard, so it’s fun to celebrate all that work that was put in. Even more, though, a college graduation celebrates all the possibilities that are to come! Graduating from college was great fun, too. We had parties, and I got to spend time with my family and some good friends, I even got some gifts, and everybody likes gifts! I didn’t want all that fun to end.
In our Gospel story today Jesus takes Peter, John and James to an amazing event. We call the Transfiguration. Peter, John and James see Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah. They see their friend and teaching in a dazzling new way, and they don’t want to leave that place or that moment. They want to stay right there, they even offer to build houses to live so they never have to leave. They even hear the voice of God claim Jesus as God’s Son! But they can’t stay there. Just like I had to move on from the fun of graduation, they have to go back to their lives, back to the ministry that they are part of with Jesus.
So, kind of like a graduation, Jesus transfiguration marks a moment of change. Jesus is claimed by God and is ready to start the next part of his life. Peter, John and James see Jesus in a new way, and as much as they want to stay in that moment they have to move on, but they move on with a new way of understanding Jesus, and a new excitement about the things to come. This Sunday, for us, marks the beginning of the journey toward Easter, and we, too, should move forward with excitement!
Faith+Prayer: Ever changing and amazing God, we thank you for the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain, and for the turning points in our own lives. Help us to celebrate these turning points and to move forward with our lives with excitement and joy. Amen.
Faith+Blessing: Shine with God’s light so that all may see God’s Glory.
Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.
Here is the Weekly devotion for the Transfiguration of Our Lord – February 10, 2013
Note – we are using a new hosting site for our files. It is called Mediafire, and you will be redirected there when you click the picture.
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NOTE: This children’s sermon could be adapted for many different Sundays and readings.
Faith+Open: Find a way to enter into the worship space that gives you a little time to walk before you invite the children to join you. Sing “Zippity Do Dah” as you walk in. Here’s a link to a youtube video –
Faith+Share: Have you ever heard that song before? Uncle Remis, the character that sang that song, was singing it as a prayer of thanks for a beautiful day. Well, I have a prayer that I call the “Zippity Do Dah Prayer” that I think might go well with the readings that we have today. The Zippity Do Dah Prayers is a prayer of thanks for the good things that are happening, like love and hope and joy. It is also a great prayer to help us look at the good things that are happening and help us to let go of some of the bad things.
I thought of it when I read the story about Jesus that we hear today. Jesus is in his hometown and he says things that are true, but that make the people who live there really upset. I mean really upset, they decided that they should throw him off a cliff because they were so mad. Then something amazing happens, Jesus just walks through the angry crowd of people and walks away. He leaves the anger behind him and continues his ministry somewhere else.
Now, the Zippity Do Dah prayer has some important parts. First is the position – prayers often have a special position like folded hands, or kneeling. For this one, you lie down on your back, cross your ankles and put your hands behind your head, like this.
The second thing is that this is a prayer of thanks! No “Lord help me,” just thanks. Thank God for different things, something like, “Good morning, God, I hope you are having a good day. I sure am thankful for . . . “ and fill in what you are thankful for. Then at the end say, “I’ll talk to you again soon, Amen!”
Let’s try it! We’ll all lie down in the prayer position and I’ll start, then we can all say 1 or 2 things that we are thankful for. It’s ok if we all talk at the same time.
Faith+Prayer: (use the prayer, then invite the children to sing “Zippity Do Dah” as they go back to their seats.
Faith+Blessing: Shine with God’s light so that all may see God’s Glory.
Special thanks to my friend Randy Williams for this prayer and the idea to use it as a children’s sermon.
Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.
Here is the Weekly devotion for the 4th Sunday After Epiphany – February 3, 2013
Note – we are using a new hosting site for our files. It is called Mediafire, and you will be redirected there when you click the picture.
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Prepare: Bring a copy of your church’s mission statement, and/or the mission statement of the broader church organization your congregation is part of. Bring a Bible and mark Isaiah 61:1.
Faith+Open: As the children gather ask them if they know what a mission statement is. Take a few answers. Some of them might get close, but offer a clear definition in any case, something like, “A sentence or short paragraph that says the goals and values of a company, organization or person.”
Faith+Share: Did you know that our church has a mission statement? Here, listen to this (Read the statement. Read the statement of your wider church organization, too if there is one.) What do you think about that? Why do you think that we have a mission statement like that? (So people know what we believe, what things we think are important, what kinds of things we want to do as a community, things like that.)
Well, I think that today we get to hear Jesus’ mission statement in the Gospel reading. Jesus went back to his home town and went to his home church and got up to read from the scriptures. Now here’s the tricky part, was Jesus reading from the Gospel? No, of course not! Those were written after Jesus did all this amazing stuff. Jesus was reading from what we call the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible. He was reading from a book called Isaiah, and we still read stories from Isaiah today. This is what he read – (Read Isaiah 61:1-2).
That’s a pretty good description of what Jesus did, isn’t it? Are there parts of this scripture that we can do, too? (Wait for a few answers.) Yeah, those are all great ideas, let’s pray.
Faith+Prayer: Jesus, what an amazing mission statement! Help us to live within your mission and to show people your compassion and love in all that we do. Amen
Faith+Blessing: Shine with God’s light so that all may see God’s Glory.
Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.
Here is the Weekly devotion for the 3rd Sunday After Epiphany – January 27, 2013
Note – we are using a new hosting site for our files. It is called Mediafire, and you will be redirected there when you click the picture.
Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!