All posts by gb

Weekly Devotion Pages for October 27, 2013

Here are the Weekly devotion pages for the twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost – October 27, 2013

49 October 27 - 23rd Sunday Pentecost Lec 30 Year CFor the month October we have two devotion pages for each week.  There is a set that has a “Faith on the Go” section based on the Gospel readings for the month and as set focused on stewardship and using the 2 Timothy readings.

Download the Gospel text version

Download the 2 Timothy version

Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Children’s Sermon 22nd Sunday After Pentecost (Lec 29), Luke 18:1-18 – October 20, 2013

Prepare:  Bring a picture or ad of something outrageous that you want, like a new car, or an expensive guitar, or the newest phone, or whatever you dream about having that is just unattainable.

20130822-223520.jpg  Pretend to be totally absorbed in picture/ad that you brought as the children gather.  Look at them with sudden surprise once they are all gathered up.  Then show them the picture and talk about how much you want it.  Then . . .

FaithCross  I know what I’ll do!  I’m going to go [to the store, etc] and beg them to give it to me until they do.  I’ll just stand there and pester them all day, all week if that’s what it takes!  Do you think that will work?  (I hope that you get some “no” answers here!)  You think it’s a bad idea?  But wait, it says to do that in the Bible!  Here, listen to this – (You can either read the story, or just tell it in your own words, whatever you think will work best for you.  This one doesn’t show up in many children’s Bibles!  Make sure you emphasize that the judge is unjust, mean, doesn’t care about people or God, etc – AND that the widow is seeking justice, not just some toy that she wants.)

Hmmm . . . now that I read that story again, maybe this isn’t a good idea.  The widow was trying to get the judge to fix something that was wrong, something that was not fair.  She was persistent because she knew what was right and good and needed the judge to help her fix things.  If I went to a store and begged for this I would just be annoying!  This isn’t anything that I need, and it doesn’t make the world better for me to have it.

What Jesus is really saying here is that we should ask for things that make our world better, and if we know that something is wrong we should ask for things to be fixed.  Jesus even says that if an unjust and mean judge can figure out how to do the right thing, imagine what God can do!

20130822-223749.jpg  Right and true God, thank you for giving us good things, and for giving us people in our lives who know how to take of things and make thing right. Amen.

20130822-223908.jpg  Make the sign of the cross and say, “God be in your head, God be in your heart, God be on your left, and God be on your right.  Amen”


Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.

Weekly Devotion Pages for October 20, 2013

Here are the Weekly devotion pages for the twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost – October 20, 2013

48 October 20 - 22nd Sunday Pentecost Lec 29 Year CFor the month October we have two devotion pages for each week.  There is a set that has a “Faith on the Go” section based on the Gospel readings for the month and as set focused on stewardship and using the 2 Timothy readings.

Download the Gospel text version

Download the 2 Timothy version

Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Weekly Devotion Pages for October 13, 2013

Here are the Weekly devotion pages for the twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost – October 13, 2013

47 October 13 - 21st Sunday Pentecost Lec 28 Year CFor the month October we have two devotion pages for each week.  There is a set that has a “Faith on the Go” section based on the Gospel readings for the month and as set focused on stewardship and using the 2 Timothy readings.

Download the Gospel text version

Download the 2 Timothy version

Did you miss a week? Go to the Weekly Devotion page to download past weeks!

Children’s Sermon 21st Sunday After Pentecost (Lec 28), Luke 17:11-19 – October 13, 2013

Prepare: Bring something with you that is “broken”, but that a child could obviously fix.  Something really simple, like two pieces of wood that fit together.

20130822-223520.jpg  As the children gather be trying to fix whatever it is you that brought, and then ask them for help.  Once it is fixed be sure to NOT say thank you!  Just grab it back, maybe be even a little rude.

FaithCross  Wait, was that what I was supposed to do?  Shouldn’t I say something to (name of child who helped)?  Yeah, what is it that I should say?  Oh!  “Thank You!”

We all know to do that, right?  We all say “thank you” when someone helps us, right?  Here’s a question for you, though – how often to you say thank you to God when you ask God for help?  I don’t know about you, but I pray most often when I am scared or worried, or when I just want God to do something for me.  I pray for God to give me good weather when I want to be outside, I pray for God to help people feel better, I pray for God to comfort people who are scared.  You know what else I say when I pray?  I say, “thank you.”

In today’s Gospel story there are ten people who are really sick, and the disease that they have is really easy to give to other people, so they are not allowed to live in town with all the other people.  They ask Jesus to heal them so that they can go back home, and Jesus does it.  What should they do next?  They should say thank you, right?  Well, only one of them comes back to Jesus and says thank you, just one!  That’s not good!  I said thank you for help with a simple toy, Jesus healed them!  They should all say thank you, and so should we.

Let’s try it together.  I’m going to start a prayer and then I’m going to stop talking so that we can all say thank you to God for something that we prayed for.  (If you children’s sermon happens as part of the main worship at your church invite the whole congregation to do this!)  Ok, think for a minute of something that you prayed about that you would like to say thanks to God for. . . ready?

20130822-223749.jpg  Gracious God, we pray to you all the time for help and comfort, but sometimes we forget to say thank you.  Please accept our thanks for these wonderful gifts you have given us ___________.  Amen.

20130822-223908.jpg  Make the sign of the cross and say, “God be in your head, God be in your heart, God be on your left, and God be on your right.  Amen”


Permission to use for nonprofit. When printing give credit to Faith Formation Journeys. Intellectual property rights apply.