All posts by bw

May 5, 2013: Children’s sermon Acts 16: 9-15 6th Sunday of Easter

20130227-164821.jpgBring the children either to the back of the worship space or another spot but not up front or where you usually gather for the children’s message. Have a simple map (hand drawn is fine!) of the worship space.  Also have a simple compass on the map.

FaithCross_BibleALTWhat do I have here? (a map, guide, picture of the worship space, etc.). Yes, this picture or map shows me what the space looks like and how maybe best to walk around in here. It guides me to where I need to go!

In today’s story Paul and and some of his friends were traveling all over the region. Paul and other early Christians traveled quite a bit to tell other people about Jesus and God’s love and forgiveness for the whole world. God came to Paul in a vision, like a dream, and told him to go to a distant place where people needed to hear about Jesus. Paul went and when these people heard about Jesus and how much Jesus loved them, they believed in God and were baptized to show the whole world that they were a child of God. Paul didn’t go there because PAUL thought it was a good idea-Paul and his friends went because God led them there and told them to go. God was like Paul’s map or guide. Paul wasn’t on his own but had God with him and all of his friends with him. God makes sure that we have people with us so that we are not alone.

FaithCross_ConversationALTLet’s use this map to walk from here the back of the room to the front of the room (or whatever you want to do). On our way let’s see who will join us on our journey. (Weave your way through the congregation and every now and again stop and tell someone “Jesus loves you. Come with us!” Gather the larger group at the front or even by the font.

Wherever we go we can share God’s love and not worry because God will guide us! What are ways that you can share God’s love at school, on the playground or at soccer practice, etc.?

FaithCross_PrayALT Pray: God you guide us everyday throughout our whole lives. Thank you for being with us always. We will tell everyone we meet about you and your love! Amen.

 God is with you always. (Make the sign of the cross on one another.)

Children’s Sermon April 28th, 2013 John 13:31-35

FaithCross_BibleALT Read the children these verses out of a children’s Bible (my two favorites are the Spark Storybook Bible and the Jesus Storybook Bible). Many of the children’s Bibles will incorporate this story with the foot washing scene. Adding those verses is a wonderful idea!

FaithCross_ConversationALT Ask the children, “How can you tell if someone is a good reader? How about a good soccer player? Or a dancer? (Accept all answers) We know when someone can do something when we see them do it right? Just talking about it doesn’t always tell us what a friend can do. We have to experience them doing it don’t we? How do people know that we love God? (Accept all answers) When we do things that help others, are nice to others or stand up for people who other people are not being nice too, right? What if we SAY that we love God but then treat someone not very nicely? Do you think that people will know that we love God? No, maybe not. Jesus says that if we love one another-each person we meet-then the world will know that we follow Jesus. That’s kind of hard though all the time isn’t it? I know that I am not nice all the time to people! Does that mean that I don’t love God or that God doesn’t love me? NO! It means that God loves me enough to say “try again” and “again” and “again” and “again….” You get the point! But we should try every day to let people know that we love God, God loves us and God loves all people.

            We are going to show everyone here that we love them and God. I have little cards printed up that say “Jesus loves you” (see attachment). We are going to give those to everyone here and give them a hug or a high five or give a blessing (see below). You can even take some of these cards with you to give to friends or other family members. (Have enough printed up for all people to take a few with them when they leave.)

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear Jesus, you love us so much. Let us show the whole world how much you love all people. Amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT (Make the sign of the cross on one another)  Jesus loves you and so do I. 

Children’s Sermon Psalm 23 April 21, 2013 Fourth Sunday of Easter

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: You will need several small bowls that you can dip into the font to fill with water. The more children you have the more bowls you will need.I would make sure that the font is very full this Sunday!

FaithCross_ConnectALTGather the children around the baptismal font.

FaithCross_BibleALTSay: Today one of our stories from the Bible is called a Psalm or a poem or song. We have 150 of these songs or poems in our Bible and they talk about all kinds of things from being sad or mad at God, worrying about the future, praise and saying thank you to God. Today’s poem is about life with God and how much God loves us. The writer of this song says that God’s love and goodness pursue us-chase us down everyday of our lives! God is chasing you with love!  Have you ever played tag? What if when we played a game of tag we were giving hugs! We might have to be careful so that we don’t knock anyone over-that wouldn’t necessarily be loving, but would you maybe want to be caught if you were getting a hug or a high five instead of getting “out” of the game? (Accept all answers-maybe they don’t want to be caught even for a hug!) Just as God chases us with love God wants us to show love too! Maybe we don’t really run after people to attack them with a hug or a high five, but anytime we talk to someone, or are with someone it’s a time to catch them with God’s love. In Psalm 23, God catches the writer by being with them when it is scary, giving them food when they need it and by putting oil on their head which a long time ago was a way to show someone that they were very special. When we baptize some one we pour water on their head to show that they are very special to God and to tell the whole world that they are a child of God.

We have water in this baptismal font and it is where we tell people how God has caught them in God’s love forever. I am gong to make the sign of the cross on each of you with water to remind you that you have been caught. Do you know what else? All people have have been caught in God’s love! We can’t sprinkle water on all the people of the world but we can sprinkle the people sitting here today! Should we gently sprinkle water on all of these people to remind them that just like the writer of Psalm 23, God chases them with God’s love and catches them always? Yes!

(Have some small bowls that you can dip in the font to fill with water. The kids can dip their finger in the water and “splash” people in the congregation.)

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear God, thank you for chasing us with your love! Help us to show everyone we meet that we are all caught by your love and forgiveness. Amen!

FaithCross_BlessALT As the children and youth sprinkle with water have them say, “You are caught in God’s love.”

May 2013 Faith + Home Connection Acts 2: 1-21

20130227-164821.jpg Begin by gathering together as a household and lighting a candle. Open your time by sharing the day’s highs and lows and praying for one another.

FaithCross_BibleALT Read Acts 2:1-21. For households with younger children I would recommend a children’s Bible such as the Jesus Storybook Bible or the Spark Storybook Bible. If someone speaks or reads in a language other than the one spoken in the home, have them tell the story (or parts of the story) in that different language. Or look up a translation on-line.

FaithCross_ConversationALTThis story is often referred to as the “birthday” of the Church. But it is more than that. It is also about how the good news of God’s unconditional and eternal love for all people IS FOR all people.

For children: When you meet a new person do you always understand everything that they say? Maybe they are from another country or even a different part of this country-each place has special phrases and words that have unique meanings. We sometimes have a difficult time understanding someone from a different place but God brings all people together and wants us to listen to each other. Each person, no matter where they are from, has a special gift given from God to share with us and other people. AND we have special gifts to share with people too! What is something that you do that maybe someone else in your family doesn’t? How can you use that gift to show other people God’s love? We don’t always have to use words to share God’s love-our actions of kindness and caring for people are important too!

For youth/adults: Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we are filled with the Holy Spirit each and every day of our lives. But God fills us with God’s Spirit that moves us to live as followers of Christ. God fills us and sends us out to be the Church in the world and not just in a building. What are some ways that your family (or congregation) lives out faith in the world? How do people in your neighborhood know that you are there to serve and be in relationship with them? It’s not just about “helping” people but truly living with them and listening to them and letting other people different from us break us open to pour out God’s love and grace on all people that we meet. Tell about a time when someone completely different from you impacted you in a life changing way. How did that person share God’s Spirit with you?

FaithCross_PrayALT God of all nations, continue to pour out your Holy Spirit onto all of your people. Show us how to love one another despite differences and confusion. Open us up to see all people as your people; send us to share radical love and grace; move us call on you every day of our lives. In Jesus name, amen.

20130227-164716.jpgTwo parts: 1) Notice when someone new moves into your neighborhood or comes to your church. Not only greet them and introduce yourself but bring them a simple meal as they settle in, or offer to help with younger children or another need. 2) Print off a map of a foreign country (any one will do) and learn about the people, language, culture, etc. Pray for the people in that country this month and see how you can support your global brothers and sisters.

FaithCross_BlessALT Make the sign of the cross on one another and say: Child of God you are filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Faith + Home Connection April 2013 John 20: 19-31

FaithCross_ConnectALT Gather the household to a location where all can be comfortable. Share the highs and lows of each person and then pray for one another.

FaithCross_BibleALT Have on hand a Bible and/or a children’s Bible. Read John 20: 19-31in parts. Ask one person to be the narrator, one to be Jesus and one to be Thomas.

FaithCross_ConversationALTFor children: Has anyone ever told you something that you didn’t believe? Tell about that time. Well Thomas didn’t believe his friends that they had seen Jesus. But then Jesus appeared to Thomas. Jesus knew that Thomas needed to see him to help him know that Jesus was really alive. We don’t see Jesus like Thomas did but we do see God in many different ways in our lives that let’s us know that God is with us always. How do you see God in your life? Just like Jesus came to Thomas, Jesus promises to come to us in our lives and be with us always-even when we are not sure if Jesus is really there-he is!

For  youth/adults: Thomas often gets a bad rap for his “doubting.” Thomas is actually a very faithful disciple in the rest of the gospel stories where he is present. The issue here is not that Thomas demands a little proof, but that Jesus comes to us and stands among us no matter what-even when we have a hard time understanding. Tell about a time when you knew that Jesus was present in your life. Tell about a time when you wondered or doubted that Jesus was present. Doubt is not the opposite of faith-doubt helps us to ask the questions that we are wrestling with to go deeper in our relationship with God. Thomas is the only one in John’s gospel to proclaim Jesus “Lord and God.” Out of Thomas’ doubt sprang a declaration of deep faith and recognition of who Jesus is. When was a time that you wrestled with some questions about God or to God that helped you deepen your faith?

FaithCross_ConnectALT April 2nd is officially PB and J day-so a church in Denver, CO USA, decided to honor that day by starting a service project for April 7th called “PB and J for Hunger”. Make as many PB and J sandwiches as you want/can and go to a location where those without a home may be and hand them out. Food scarcity and access to food is a large issue for many in our communities. You can also donate loaves of bread/peanut butter and jelly to a local food pantry for distribution.

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear Jesus, you come and stand among us even when we doubt. You welcome our questions and promise to be with us always and give us peace. Let us be open to share our questions and struggles with other people who may be questioning as well. We pray to share your unending peace and love with all people, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT“Peace be with you, share that peace.” (Make the sign of the cross on one another.)

Children’s Sermon March 3rd, 2013 Luke 13:1-9 Third Sunday in Lent Year C

FaithCross_ConnectALT Have a plant or a little tree for this children’s sermon. You may also want a picture of a fig tree to show the children. Gather the children (and the young at heart!) to a spot where all can see the plant.

FaithCross_BibleALT Show the children the plant and say, “I have this plant here that I have had for some time. When I first got it, it was small. So I watered it and gave it some plant food. What do you think happened when I watered it and fed it? (Accept all answers) Yes, it got bigger! This plant maybe wont grow to be too big but have you ever seen a big tree like an apple tree or a orange tree? They started out small as well and then with love and care grew to be quite large. And those kinds of trees when they reach a certain age, if they have been cared for, will grow fruit to be shared with people and animals.

   In part of our Bible story today Jesus talks about a  fig tree (show the picture if you have it) that is cared for by a gardener. It doesn’t give fruit yet and the gardener tells the owner of the tree to be patient and give it more time. The gardener wants to give the tree a little more love and care and time. God is like that gardener for us. God gives us people like our moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas and all kinds of loving adults to take care of us. We grow in that love and care don’t we? Now we don’t grow apples or oranges like trees to share with people but we do have love to share with friends and our family. Do we have to wait to be a certain size or age to share God’s love? NO! We can do that no matter how old we are! What are some ways that we can share love with others? (Accept all answers) We can pray with people, open up our church to those who need a place to sleep, give people food to eat, blankets to be warm (list off ministries that your congregation participates in).

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear God, thank you for loving us and caring for us. No matter how big we are or how old we are we will share your love with the world. In Jesus name, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT Make the sign of the cross on one another and say, May you grow in God’s love and care. 

Children’s Sermon 2nd Sunday of Lent Feb. 24th Luke 13: 31-35

FaithCross_BibleALTThis story is a difficult one and is not in most children’s Bibles. I would recommend paraphrasing and making the point of that the Pharisees warn Jesus to leave as Herod wants to hurt him but Jesus refuses to leave. Jesus wants to stay and be with the people and protect them. Jesus stays with us always and through Jesus we are all connected to one another. This is the main point of our children’s time for this text.

FaithCross_ConversationALT Have a large ball of string or yarn handy. Ask: Have you ever been somewhere like on vacation or visiting grandma or grandpa and you didn’t want to leave? You wanted to stay with the friends or family that you were visiting? Or have you gone to a really good friend’s house and didn’t want to go because you like being with that person so much? Well in our story today Jesus is told that he should leave town because the king Herod wants to hurt him. But Jesus says no to them. He says that he will stay right there in Jerusalem. Why do you think that Jesus would stay in a place where he might get hurt? (Accept all answers) Jesus stays in Jerusalem because in that city are people that God loves very much and Jesus would rather be with those people and be hurt than not be hurt and be away from them. Jesus wants to be with us-all of us-and will stay with us NO MATTER WHAT!

            Jesus is always with you! Now Jesus tells the people at the end of our Bible story today “You will not see me again until you say ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of The Lord.” What do you think that might mean? (Accept all answers) Those are all good ideas! Could it mean that we are sent by God to show God’s love to all of the people in our day? I think it might!  Because of Jesus love for us we are to show that love to other people. And that love connects us all to God and to one another. It’s a connection that we can’t really see but it may be something like this. Unroll the ball of yarn and give an end to a child and then have each child hold on to a piece of the yarn. Let the yarn weave in and out of the group. They do not have to be in a circle. Depending on the size of your congregation and how much yarn you have, pass the ball of yarn around your worship space to connect the adults and children together as well!

Look at all of the people in this room that you are connected to! People of all ages, from lots of different places and with lots of different ideas. How wonderful is that! God connects you to a group of people who love and care for one another! What are some ways that we can show friends at school or in our neighborhood that we are all connected by God’s love? Can we share what we have? Can we talk to a new person at school or sit with someone who is lonely at lunch? Can we shovel the sidewalk for a neighbor or read a book to a younger brother or sister? Yes those are all great ways to show God’s love!

FaithCross_PrayALTWhile we are all connected with this yarn let’s pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for being with us all the time. Thank you for loving us all and send us to show love to all of our family members, friends, and eve those we don’t know. Hold us in your loving arms, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALTMake the sign of the cross on each child and say “You are a blessing to God’s world.” 

Faith + Home Connection March John13: 1-17, 31b-35

FaithCross_BibleALTGather the household to a spot where are all comfortable. Maybe the dinner table, the family room or a child’s room. Read the story of John 13: 1-17, 31b-35, “Jesus washes the disciples’ feet” from a favorite early reader Bible or children’s Bible.  This Bible story is traditional read at Maundy Thursday worship services. Have a bowl of water, a wash rag and a towel handy.

FaithCross_ConversationALT As you read or tell the story take the time to stop and wash the hands of those in your home. In Jesus’ time feet would get dirty as one went about one’s day. In our culture and time hands are far more likely to be dirty and need washing. Use a favorite scented soap. After you have washed each other’s hands and finished the story talk about the points below or add your own thoughts!

For children: We take care of things that are very important to us. We clean our toys if they get dirty, clean our rooms, our clothes, shoes, etc. Jesus washes the disciples feet, does Jesus think that the disciples are important to God? Jesus says to love one another as Jesus has loved us. Jesus cares for us and takes care of us-how should we treat our friends, families and neighbors? How can we show people that we love them like God loves them? Can we give food to people who are hungry? Can we talk to someone who is sitting by themselves at lunch? Can we share with our friends or siblings?

For youth and adults: Sometimes it’s difficult to talk about the importance of God in our lives. Even as a pastor I find this not always easy! But Jesus says in verse 35 that people will know where are hearts are, with God, by how we treat other people and how we talk to others. Clearly our actions can be louder than our words. But how could we talk about our faith in a non-threatening and natural way? An idea could be to just say, “when I was talking to a friend at my church yesterday….” or “it was so fun and meaningful how my church collected 100 toothbrushes for children in need….” or just be excited about whatever your church community is doing! Practice it now and then talk to friends and neighbors and invite them to Holy Week or Easter worship!* 

FaithCross_PrayALTCleansing God, we are so grateful that you wash us with your care and love. We pray to be this same love in our church, families and community.  Send us to the ones who need to be shown your love. In the name of your Son who showed us your love, amen.

 FaithCross_BlessALT Make the sign of the cross after everyone’s hands have been washed : You are loved and have been made clean.

 FaithCross_ConnectALT Lent is a natural time to reach out to the neighborhood around us. To connect your Maundy Thursday worship with loving one another and Jesus instituting Holy Communion have worshipers bring a non-perishable food item for a local food bank or pantry. As you celebrate Holy Communion and Christ’s presence in this service, bless the food that will nourish the bodies of those in need. Thank you for showing God’s love to others!

*Lutheran Church of the Master in Lakewood, CO is currently focusing on invitation to the neighborhood. Visit for more info.

First Sunday in Lent, February 17th, 2013 Luke 4: 1-13

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation: Have enough really fun candy for each child.

FaithCross_BibleALT Invite the children to come together in your usual space. Tell them the story of Luke 4-The Temptation of Jesus either in your own words or from a children’s Bible. Be sure to emphasize that Jesus repeatedly focuses on God as the center of his life.

FaithCross_ConversationALT Show the kids the pictures of the fun items or the real things. Say to them, “I have some really fun things here this morning. Do you see anything that you like? Well, I will give you this (ipod, xbox, candy etc.) if you promise to do something for me every time I see you from now on. If I need my driveway shoveled, you have to do it because I gave you this toy. If the church needs cleaned you will have to do it because you agreed to take this toy from me. Is that ok? Do you still want ….?(Accept all answers. This might get tricky as someone will most definitely decide that it is a good trade! Just go with both sides.)

Well, some of you think it’s a good trade and some of you don’t. Hmmmm…..well when Jesus was offered to be an earthly king (which is a pretty good deal) and some great tasting food by the devil, he knew that is was not a good trade. You know why? Then the devil would be able to have Jesus do whatever the devil wanted! Jesus knew that he would owe the devil something forever if he took those things from him. And here is what Jesus also knew: God gives us all kinds of good things not to get us to do stuff for God but just because God loves us all very much. Now God may not give us all the toys we want or all the candy we want but God does give us all of the love that we need-our friends, our moms and dads and families-but most of all Jesus. God sent Jesus to make sure that we know God’s love all of the time.

So to remind each of you of that love I will give you each a piece of candy and you won’t have to do anything for it.

FaithCross_PrayALTLet’s pray: Dear loving God, you are with us always and give your love freely to us. Thank you for loving us no matter what. Help us to share that love with our friends and family. Amen

FaithCross_BlessALT Make the sign of the cross on each other’s foreheads or hands and say: God’s love is free. 

Faith + Home Connection February 2013


Faith + Open: Gather the household either around the dinner table (this devotion can be done during a meal) or in another comfortable location. Light a candle and say a prayer, either this one or one of your own: God of abundant love, you show us your love in so many different ways. We are grateful for the love of Jesus that is with us now and always, amen.

Faith + Share: Read 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13. This passage from Paul can also be found in the Spark Story Book Bible on page 546. With younger children, stop after each verse or so and have them act out the actions or the emotions that Paul is talking about.

With children: What is love? How do you know when someone loves you? Who do you love? How do you show them? God loves you very much all the time! How does God show love for you? (Jesus, friends, family, etc.) God loves everyone and wants God’s love to flow through us to other people around us. How can we show God’s love to our friends, family, and even people we don’t know?

With youth/adults: This passage is often used in weddings but is really not about married or romantic love. It is about sacrificial love. It’s important to note that Paul is not saying that anyone should be taken advantage of or that sacrificing is only one way-Paul is saying that when people live in a loving relationship and community that reflects the love of God, then there is a mutual sacrifice and everyone is safe and cared for. How do you feel safe and cared for by people who you love and love you? What happens in a relationship when someone “insists on their own way” all the time? How can we show God’s love to our community? How would people around us know that we love and care for them?

Faith + Serve: With all of the emphasis on relationships in February, it’s easy for people to feel lonely.Write cards of support for the people of Newtown, CT. We can send our love and care all the way to CT! God’s love knows no bounds or distance! Here is an address: Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT 06514. You can also look up churches in your denomination to send notes. These will go to the school district so you can write notes of support for the teachers and students.

Faith + Pray: God of all, we lift up to you those people who feel lonely or unloved. Let us be your love in a hurting world. Thank you for showing us how to love and being with us always, amen.

Faith + Bless: Make the sign of the cross on one another and say, “Remember that God’s love never ends.”