All posts by bw

Children’s Sermon Luke 14: 25-33 Pentecost 16, Year C September 8th, 2013

20130822-223520.jpg Gather the children in a circle. Ask them if they know the “Hokey Pokey” song. Maybe sing a couple of verses and have them do it with you. For the last verse sing the “put your whole self in put your whole self out.”

20130822-223633.jpg After you sing that have the kids sit down if you would like. Tell them that today’s Bible story from Luke is kind of a hard one. Jesus says some harsh words about how following Jesus and loving Jesus is not easy and that you may have to give up everything you have to follow Jesus. Say, “Just like the song the “Hokey Pokey” that we just sang, Jesus tells us that the only way to follow him is to put our whole selves in. What does it mean to follow Jesus? How do we act, what do we say, if we are following Jesus? (Accept all answers) So when we are at school do we follow Jesus? Yes. When we are at soccer, baseball, football practice or dance class do we follow Jesus? What if following Jesus, which means loving everyone, even those that other people ignore, means that we get made fun of for being nice to kids that other kids are not nice to? What if following Jesus means that you share the ball in soccer practice or don’t need to be the one who makes the goal? What if following Jesus means giving away part of your allowance to buy food for someone or clothes for someone? Those can all be tough things but Jesus wants our whole selves to follow him not just on Sundays or at church but Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and everywhere! Is that easy or hard? Well the good news is that Jesus promises to be with us on all of those days and at every time of our day! We will mess up and not get it right but we get to try again every single day and God says that is ok and God loves us! And that is “what’s it’s all about!”

20130822-223749.jpg God love is what you offer us every day and is what our lives are all about. Help us to put our whole selves into following and loving you. Amen.

20130822-223908.jpg Jesus is with you always. (Make the sign of the cross on one another’s forehead.)

Children’s Sermon Luke 14: 1,7-14, Sept. 1, 2013 Pentecost 15 year C

Preparation: Have some party items available: balloons (use with caution as they can be choking hazards), party hats, streamers, maybe even noise makers, etc.

20130822-222604.jpg Gather the children to where you have children’s time. As they come up have someone help you divide them into two groups. Doesn’t matter how-randomly is best! Invite one group of children to come and sit with you just off to the side and tell the other children to just to sit on the opposite side of the area.

Say to the group with you: “Yay! You are all invited to my party this morning! Here have a balloon, a hat, etc. We are going to have fun!” If a child from the other group tries to come over or even looks over tell them, “I am sorry this party is for this group only over here. Just go and sit back over there.” Don’t spend too long with this one group but then say, “You know, I kind of feel bad about that group over there. Should we invite them to come over here?” Hopefully, they will say yes!

20130822-223633.jpg Say to the group who was not at the party, “How did it feel to not be part of the fun? (Accept all answers) Say to the other group:  How did it feel to be part of the group having fun? Did you think that it wasn’t fair to the other children? Why? Today, Jesus tells us that God invites everyone to God’s party and to be a part of God’s people.  Even the people we may not like or even know, God loves and knows. God wants us to remember that God not only loves us and cares for us but cares for all people no matter who they are, what they look like, or how they act. That can be hard for us as we like to hang out with friends who are just like us. Have you ever gone to school on the first day and not known anyone in the classroom? Well, did someone talk to you? Accept all answers and if it’s no talk about how that felt and if they would remember that and talk to a new child at school or in the neighborhood. It can be hard but God tells us that even we might feel on the outside of friends or groups God is there and if we think we are the inside of friends or groups God is there. We can work to not have separate groups like we did here this morning but try to make just one big group which is more fun anyway!

20130822-224425.jpg Dear God, you love us all and want us all to be part of your party. Help us to remember that you are with us when we feel alone and when we don’t. Show us how to invite our friends to be a part of you. In Jesus name, amen.

20130822-223908.jpg God is with you always. (Make the sign of the cross on one another.)

Children’s sermon Luke 13: 10-17, Pentecost 14, August 25th, 2013

Preparation: Have a “Hello my name is…” name tag for each child as well as some markers for them to write.


Gather the children and ask a couple of them if you can call them “hey you” or something silly like “male child” or “female child.” Hopefully you will get some giggles and some children insisting that you call them by their real names! You could also just decide to call all the children Joe or Fred…unless one of them has that name! Say: “Does your mom, dad, grandma or grandpa, etc. call you by a fun nickname? Why do they call you that? Is is because they know you really well and love you? Yes! More than likely your parents picked out your name because it means something special to them and because YOU are special to them. Our names and nicknames are ours and the people who know us and love us call us by them.”


Tell the children the story from Luke about the woman who was bent over for 18 years and how no one really saw her, talked to her or took notice of her at all. She was just an old woman in a crowd and no one even knew her name. But Jesus saw her. He called to her by saying “woman, come over to me.” Even Jesus just used a plain name for her. But then Jesus did something wonderful-but not what you think. Yes, Jesus healed her back and she could stand up and see all the people around her but Jesus did something even better than that! He gave her a name: “daughter of Abraham.” Now that name may not seem like much to you or me-but it would be like when your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa or someone you love calls you sweetie, or love, or a nick name that shows how much that person loves you. Jesus was calling her a name that meant that God loved this woman very much and knows who this woman is and will be with her always.
God loves each of us and calls us “children of God” that means that we belong to God first and foremost. In the water of baptism God says that our name that people on earth call us may be Ella, or Brigette or John but God calls us God’s child now and forever.

Have the blank “Hello my name is…” name tags for the children. Have markers for them to write their names on their name tags. Have the children put them on to remember that they are loved by their family, friends and God.

20130822-224425.jpg“Dear God, thank you for calling us yours. Let us see all the people in our lives as your children too. Thank you for being with us always. Amen”

20130822-223908.jpgMake the sign of the cross and say: “You are called a child of God.”

Faith + Home Connection September 2013, Luke 15: 1-10, Pentecost 17, Year C

FaithCross_BibleALT This passage is found in many children’s Bibles. You can find it on page 374 of the Spark Story Book Bible. As you read this with younger children, this might be a good story to have them act out. If reading with adults, switch off readers at verse 8 just for transition.

FaithCross_ConversationALTFor children: What is your most favorite toy or thing? Have you ever lost it? If you did, how long did you look for it? Or if you haven’t lost it, what would you do find it? Have you ever been separated from mom or dad in the store? What was that like? How did you feel when your mom or dad found you? It can be sad to lose something that we really like or frightening to be lost from our family in a big place. These two stories that Jesus tells about a shepherd who lost a sheep and a woman who lost a coin remind us that there is no where we can go or hide that God won’t find us and be with us. God wants to be with all people always and gets so excited about being with us that God wants to have a party to show how happy God is! God also wants us to tell everyone how much God also loves them too!

For youth/adults: Sometimes in groups of people we get concerned about “who’s in and who’s out.” This parable reminds us that God wants all people “in” and invites everyone to the celebration. Repent in the Greek is not about confessing wrong doing but literally means “to turn around.” We get all turned around in this world and sometimes don’t know which way is up! But God searches for us always and there is nowhere that we can go that God can’t find us and “turn us back around” to what is important. Has there been a time in your life when you were given the opportunity to “turn around”? How did that feel? Have you ever rejoiced with a friend or a family member who was able to have another chance-maybe from drug or alcohol abuse, bad relationships, bad career choices, etc. How can we as a community affirm that God lets us “turn around” as many times as we need to and celebrates with us each and every time that we do? God wants us to see that all people need “turned around” and all people are included in God’s love and grace. We are called to not worry about who’s in or out but to see everyone as God does-worthy of being rejoiced over.

Faith + Prayer: God, you rejoice over us despite our shortcomings and faults. You promise to be with us always and to find us over and over again, each and every day of our lives. We thank you for this gift and for the community of all your people. In the name of your son who is this promise made real, Jesus, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALTGod rejoices over you. (Make the sign of the cross on one another.)

FaithCross_ConnectALT The heart of this gospel lesson is that God sees all people as valuable, lovable and worthy. Many times those not seen in our society are young children. Call a local hospital and ask what supplies for newborns they could use to be donated. Often families without many resources can use layettes, blankets, diapers, and other supplies. Add a note of blessing or prayer to the donations.

Faith + Home Connection August 2013 Luke 15: 1-10 Pentecost 17 Year C

FaithCross_BibleALT This passage in Luke is two parables about something being lost and found. This particular text lends itself to being acted out with younger children or youth. A short game you can play with young children to introduce the concepts is to play “hide and go seek” or to hide an object for them to find and bring to you. (You could even hide a coin or two!) Then read the story or act it out.

FaithCross_ConversationALT For children: Have you ever lost something special to you? What was it and did you find it again? If you didn’t find it how did you feel? If you did find it how did you feel? Have you ever been “lost” or separated from your mom or dad in a store? It’s kind of scary isn’t it? Your parents were so happy when they found you and I bet that you were happy too! Jesus tells us that God looks for us everywhere and all the time. There is nowhere that we can go that God won’t find us! No matter what we do or what we say God will find us and love us! God

For youth/adults: Sometimes it feels like we are so hidden from God that we can never be found. The alternative rock band Evanescence asks two questions in their song Tourniquet-“Do you remember me, lost for so long?” and “Am I too lost to be saved?”* Jesus offers these parables to give a resounding “YES!” to the first question and an equally forceful “NO!” to the second question. God searches for us high and low in order to bring restoration and grace to us. There is nothing that we have to do to receive this grace. The word “repent” in verses 7 and 10 is not about confession but is from the Greek word metanoia which means to turn around or to change one’s mind. God always offers us the opportunity to turn toward God-over and over again-every single day. How will you rejoice with God about this gift? How will you share this good news with someone in your daily life?

FaithCross_ConnectALT These parables highlight the importance of ALL people to God, especially those that are vulnerable in our society or culture. Contact a local Children’s Hospital or a local hospital that delivers babies and find out if there is any need for diapers, hats, layettes or blankets. See if you neighbors will help fill the need!

FaithCross_PrayALT Dear Jesus, you search for us in places that we think we can’t be found. We want to turn to you and rejoice with you for loving us all. Amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT (Make the sign of the cross on one another) God rejoices over you.

*This song is found on Evanescence’s album from 2003 Fallen. The official video can be found on YouTube.

Children’s Sermon Luke10: 1-11, 16-20, July 7th, 2013 7th Sunday after Pentecost

20130520-224945.jpgGather the children around the suitcase or bag that you have packed with some essentials for travel. Include the items listed in the text (purse or wallet, bag, sandals). Ask the children if they have ever packed a bag for vacation, over night to grandparents or a friends house. What did they take with them? What could they not leave behind?

 FaithCross_BibleALT    Say: Today our story in the Bible is about Jesus sending people out to travel around and tell people about God. Jesus told them not to take anything with them as they went from town to town! Does that seem like a good idea? No, not really to me either! They did not have extra money to buy food or to buy something that they needed. Jesus said that they should trust that the people in the towns will give them what they need. The disciples job was to stay focused on telling people about God and God’s love for everyone.

Jesus did not want them to have heavy bags to carry or to think about collecting more stuff as they went from town to town. If we have too much stuff with us we get worried about carrying it, storing it, if someone will take it, etc. We would forget why we were there: to tell the story of God! Sometimes we think that in order to tell someone about God or show someone God’s love we need lots of stuff, We might think that we need a Bible with us, or our Sunday school papers or  that we need to know a lot of details or have read every single word of the Bible in order to tell someone about God. Jesus is saying that we don’t need anything but ourselves. All we need is to just take time with people-stuff and lots of knowledge isn’t the most important thing. But our love and time is! Jesus promises to be with us as we share God’s love so we don’t have to worry about anything else. So I don’t need this bag of stuff to go another town and tell people about God. But I still might enjoy my toothbrush, huh? 🙂

 FaithCross_PrayALT Dear Jesus, thank you for being with us always. We pray that we can tell other people about you even if we feel we don’t have everything we need. You are all that we and the world needs. Amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT(Make the sign of the cross on one another) Jesus is all that you need as you go on your way. 

Children’s Sermon Galatians 5: 1, 13-25 Fruit of the Spirit, 6th Sunday after Pentecost – June 30, 2013

20130520-224945.jpgGather the children together. You will need some fruit (any kind is fine) and an already made fruit salad. Depending on how many children you have, have small cups of the fruit salad scooped out for the children. Or you can just show them the made fruit salad and have it available after worship.

FaithCross_BibleALT Say: In one of the Bible readings this morning who heard something about fruit? (Accept all answers) I know, I did too and its making me hungry! Luckily, I brought this fruit with me today. I love fruit, its healthy for us and gives good things to our bodies so that we can have energy and not be sick. What is your favorite kind of fruit? (Again, accept all answers) Mine is________. I eat this fruit whenever I get the chance. I like to eat all kinds of fruit too! When I make a fruit salad I put all kinds of fruit in so that everyone eating the fruit salad will have a fruit that they will really like. It takes all kinds of fruit to make a great fruit salad!

There was a man named Paul who wrote one of our Bible stories this morning. He talked about having the “fruit of the Spirit” which is not actual fruit but good things like this salad we can share with one another. Paul wants us to share love, joy, peace, patience kindness, generosity (sharing), faithfulness, gentleness,  and self-control. (You can teach the song if you know it!) These are all things that help us to get along together and to share God’s love! Just as some of us like different fruits, each of us may be really good at one of these things. If you are a good hugger, you are showing love, or if you are good at sharing your toys then you are good at generosity. Are we all going to be really good at all 8 of these things? No, but we can try and we can notice when our friends are good at not fighting or smiling, and try and learn from them. Just as it takes lots of fruit to make a yummy salad it takes all of us to share God’s love to everyone we meet!

FaithCross_PrayALTGod of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, thank you for giving us our friends and our families. Just as you show us all of these good things let us share them with the world. In Jesus name, Amen.

FaithCross_BlessALT(make the sign of the cross on each other) May you be guided by God’s loving Spirit. 

Children’s Sermon for the 5th Sunday after Pentecost (Lec 12) Luke 8:26-39 – June 23, 2013

ffjChildrenSermonPreparation note: This lesson is a difficult one. We will not focus on the lesson per se but how we hear things that might frighten us every day and that God is present in our fear.
FaithCross_ConversationALTGather the children. You will need to tweak the wording of this to fit your context regarding if you children’s time is before or after the gospel reading in worship.
Say: We just heard a story that has some scary things in it didn’t we. Do sometimes hear scary things on tv or at school? Yes, sometimes we hear things that we don’t understand, make us worry or are scary to us. What do you do when you hear something scary? Do you talk to mom, dad, brother, sister or other trusted adult? That can be a good idea. When I am scared ad worried I talk to my family and friends too and I talk to God. I tell God what is bothering me or what I am scared or worried about. about. What are some things that you worry about? (Accept all answers. If you don’t have too many children you can write them down to pray about them at the end of this children’s time.)
Well, God understands that there are real things in our lives that scare us and that we worry about. God wants us to talk to God about those things because then we will remember that God is with us always, God hears our worries and will not leave us when we are scared. We belong to God and God will never let us go. When a friend is scared or worried we can tell them about God, how they too belong to God and how God is with us in our fear.

FaithCross_PrayALTGod we are so glad that you are with us always. We pray today for: (pray for what the children named). We know that you love us and care for us. Thank you for all the people in our lives, our moms, dads, friends and teachers that we can talk to about all of our worries. In Jesus’ name, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALTDo not fear, God is with you! (Make the sign of the cross on one another.)

July 2013 Faith + Home Connection Luke 11:1-13

FaithCross_BibleALT For this household devotion you will need your Bible, one set of colored ribbons four inches long (white, purple, green, brown, red, orange, yellow or gold) for each member of the household. Read Luke 11: 1-13. Many children’s Bibles have the Lord’s Prayer in them.

FaithCross_ConversationALTFor children: When have you heard these words from the Bible before? We say this prayer often in Sunday morning worship, typically before Holy Communion but not always. Did you know that much of what we say and do in worship comes from the Bible? This prayer is one that Jesus told his disciples to pray. Jesus wants us to talk to God and tell God everything that we are happy about, sad about, worried about, wondering about, angry about or anything at all! What do you talk to God about during the day?

For youth/adults: The Lord’s Prayer is one that encompasses nearly every aspect of our lives. Jesus wants us to take everything to God who loves us deeply in prayer. Does God answer every prayer? When was a time that you felt that God did not answer your prayer? What do you think about these times? When was a time that God did answer your prayer? It’s very difficult when we pray for things that we think are prayers that God should answer not for ourselves but for others. If we don’t get the answer we want does it mean that God didn’t hear us or that the answer is “no”? For me, I think God’s answer to us is always “yes,” we just don’t always understand the “yes.” In our perspective, God’s “yes” might look like a “no.” We may have to be open to how it is a “yes.” It’s easy to forget that prayer is not just asking God to do something but is also about how we might participate with what God IS doing. What is our role in prayers being answered if we are to be the love of God in the world? How can we keep prayer a dialog with God (us talking and listening)?

FaithCross_PrayALT Before you pray as a household, make a simple Lord’s Prayer ribbon bookmark. Take each of the four inch strands of ribbon and tie them together in this order: White Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Purple Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Brown Give us this day our daily bread; Red and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Orange And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Yellow (Gold) For thine is the kingdom, and the power , and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer together before meals this month.

FaithCross_ConnectALT Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 “pray without ceasing.” Our whole lives should be continuous prayer. This month if you have young children, walk your neighborhood stopping to pray for people or places. When you return home, make a list of people or situations in your neighborhood that you will pray for this month. That list may grow! In households with older children or no children, have sticky notes handy when you are watching the news or reading the news. Write down people, places and situation that you will pray for this month. Change the list as often as you would like.

FaithCross_BlessALT (make the sign of the cross on one another and say) Remember you are loved by a God who listens. 

Faith + Home Connection Luke 7:36-8:3

20130520-224945.jpgGather the household around the dining table. Jesus was dining at a Pharisee’s house in this passage. Have some perfume or scented bath oil available. Share highs and lows for the day with each other and pray about them together.

FaithCross_BibleALTRead Luke 7: 36-8:3 The story of the woman forgiven and the women who traveled with Jesus.

FaithCross_ConversationALTFor children: When was a time that you had to tell a friend that you were sorry for something that you had said or done to them that wasn’t very nice? What did they say to you?Have you ever had someone tell you that they were sorry for being mean or not nice to you? What did you tell them when they said “I’m sorry”?  Did you forgive them? God loves us so much that God sent Jesus to tell us that God forgives us all the time, no matter what! That doesn’t mean that we can do whatever we want and it’s ok, we should try to love like Jesus loves us. But what that does mean is that when we mess up, we get to try again!

For youth/adults: The woman in the this story is so compelled by what she has heard about God through Jesus, that she seeks him out in order to show her gratitude. We don’t know if she has ever had any real contact with Jesus personally but we do know that she fully believes that Jesus reconciles her past and gives her a hopeful future where she is no longer in shame. Forgiveness is tricky, God forgives all sins and sinners, even people that WE may not think deserve it. We may lie a bit, or just innocuously cheat a little but other people who kill or steal large amounts or worse….do they also get the same forgiveness? Jesus is saying here, yes. That is difficult for us many days. What would it mean for our society if we really lived the way that Jesus forgives and reconciled? What would it mean for us personally? What would it mean to be able to go about our days “in peace”?

FaithCross_PrayALTForgiving Lord, your gifts of faith and forgiveness are freely given to us all and yet can be hard for us to accept. Help us to show great love to all people and for all of creation. Allow us to live our lives in the peace that only you can offer us. In Jesus name, amen.

FaithCross_BlessALTUse the perfume or the scented oil and make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead or hand. Say, “Your sins are forgiven; go in peace.”

FaithCross_ConnectALTThe woman cleansed Jesus feet in response of God cleansing her whole being. Let’s focus on collecting toiletries for a local food pantry or shelter for the month of June.