Children’s Sermon July 29th, 2012 Pentecost 9

Scripture Focus: Ephesians 3: 14-21

Preparation: Pen and paper if desired

Faith + Open: Gather the children to where you have children’s time and open in prayer today. Dear God, we love to talk to you! Sometimes it’s a prayer in a group like today or by ourselves! We talk to you so that we can give you our love! Amen

Faith + Share: Say: We don’t normally open our time together with prayer but pray at the end of our time. When do you pray in your day? (Accept all answers.) That’s right, we pray for our meals, at night, in church, in Sunday school, maybe in the car, on the soccer field. What kinds of things to you talk to God about? (Again accept all answers) Yes, we can talk to God about all kinds of things can’t we? God listens to us no matter what we are saying. Well in the letter that Paul wrote to the Ephesians what we read today in church is not just about praying but is a prayer that Paul prays to God about the Ephesians! What did Paul pray for, a new puppy, or a new toy? No, it’s fine to pray about those things too! God likes to hear everything we have to say, but Paul is praying for the Ephesians to be rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus (v. 17) that they are filled with Jesus Christ, that they are given strength and that they give glory to God always. Those are pretty good things to pray for too don’t you think? So the Ephesians were learning that there are all kinds of things we can pray to God about! What should we pray to God about right now? If you need, write down their prayers and then pray them together!

Faith + Close: Prayer: Dear God, fill our hearts with your love. We also pray:…(Insert prayers here) Amen

Faith + Blessing: May your eyes be opened to see all the amazing works of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


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