Children’s Sermon Nov. 3rd, 2013, All Saints Sunday Ephesians 1: 11-23

Preparation: You will need two small tea light candles for each child or two glow sticks
for each child. If you give the candles PLEASE emphasize that only adults light candles.
20130822-223315.jpgHave the children gather around the Paschal candle (have it lit) if you
have one or the altar candles. Talk about the nature of light and how
even just one little candle can give enough light to let us see in the
dark and show us the way.
20130822-223633.jpgSay: “We read part of a letter this morning that someone named Paul
wrote to people in a place called Ephesus. Paul wanted the people their
to know how wonderful it was that they loved God. Paul also wanted to
remind them that God was working through them to reveal God’s love to
everyone that they talked to in their day. The people of Ephesus were
sort of like this candle. They showed people the way to God by just being who God
created them to be and and telling people about God.
Is there someone in your life who talks to you about God? Who is that person?” (Accept
all answers.) “These people are like lights that point us to God aren’t they? Do you know
that you also show people God? You do! You are a light to someone and show God’s
“I have two candles (tea lights) for you to take home today. One is for you-now never
light a candle with out mom or dad-and one is for you to give to someone who talks to
you about God. When you give it to them say, ‘you are God’s light to me!'”
20130822-224425.jpg“Dear God, thank you for all the people who tell me about you. Help us
to talk to our friends about God too. Amen.”
20130822-223908.jpg(Make the sign of the cross on one another) “You reflect God’s light.”