Philippians Children’s Sermon Series #4: Phil 4:1-9

Philippians Children’s Sermon Series

Series Note: In the lectionary year A Pentecost 14 through 17 we read through Philippians as the Epistle each week. The letters of Paul can have challenging content to teach to children (adults too!). We have written a children’s sermon series based on the scripture verses in Philippians. You can use these as a series or on their own.  The overarching theme is focused on how we are those who walk with and live as servants of Jesus and yet Rejoice that God is with us in all of our daily living as we strive to “let our gentleness be known and remember the Lord is near” (Phil 4:5 paraphrase). 

Preparation: You could use instruments and noisemakers if you choose for this children’s sermon. Streamers and ribbons would also make it fun! If you are going to have the whole congregation join in the blessing time then have it printed in the bulletin.

Faith+Open: Gather the children. Recap what we have been learning in Philippians or sum up Philippians that Paul is in jail and writing to his friends reminding them to tell the story of Jesus, serve others, be kind to each other, and to remember that God is with them all the time.
Say, “Paul says in Philippians chapter 4 to REJOICE all the time! He is in jail and still rejoicing that God is with him and that he knows that God loves him and all of us. We can rejoice and celebrate that this story of Jesus is about us and for us.” 

Faith+Share: “What are ways that we rejoice?” “Yes we can make some noise when we rejoice can’t we?” I am going to ask you some questions about when we can rejoice and I want you to yell loud the word REJOICE (and shake/play these instruments if you are using them) after each question. Let’s practice!”

“Let’s get the congregation to join us!” (practice yelling rejoice and making noise)

God is with us…REJOICE!
All the time….REJOICE!
When we are in worship…  REJOICE!
When we are at play…  REJOICE!
When we are happy…  REJOICE!
When we are worried…REJOICE!
When we are at work… REJOICE!
When we pray….REJOICE!
When we tell the story…REJOICE!
When we are lost….REJOICE!
We know God is with us. REJOICE!
All of the time. REJOICE!
We know God loves us….REJOICE!
All of the time…REJOICE!

Do you remember the blessing we have been saying? Let’s bless the whole congregation. We are going to turn towards them and say the blessing together.” Gather kids up so that they are facing the congregation to give them the blessing.”

Faith+Blessing: Say together the words from Philippians 4:5 (NRSV) while doing the following actions:

Let your gentleness (flat hands palms facing body circle each other)  be known to everyone (open hands and arms out). The Lord is near (hands to heart)

Extended Ideas:

Teach the song “Rejoice in the Lord Always and Again I say Rejoice.”
Have streamers and ribbons for the kids to wave in the air (or make them if you have a children’s church)
Send kids out into the congregation with their instruments and noisemakers to do the litany and have them stay there for the blessing.
Use the blessing as the benediction this week.


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